How to Contact Child Support Full Collection Programs
- 1). Ask a caseworker at your local child support enforcement agency, usually located within the Department of Social Services, to apply to the IRS for a full collection. The caseworker needs to submit Form OCSE-20, The Application For The Collection of Delinquent Child Support Payments by The Internal Revenue Service. The application should be marked as a request for IRS Full Collection.
- 2). Ensure that a registered letter is sent to the noncustodial parent informing him of the IRS action about to take place before the application is submitted. The IRS will not proceed unless this notice is sent and sufficient time is allowed for the parent to respond.
- 3). Provide the following information to your caseworker so that the IRS can proceed with your request: The noncustodial parent's personal information, your personal information, the names and dates of birth of the children concerned, the child support order, the amount in arrears and for how long it has been delinquent, any special assistance being received and a copy of the notice sent to the noncustodial parent and any response he sent back.