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How to Connect a Battery in a 2001 Hyundai Sonata

    • 1). Find the Sonata's battery directly behind the driver's side headlight.

    • 2). Familiarize yourself with the battery and be sure you know which is the positive terminal and which is the negative terminal on the battery. The positive terminal will be identified with a plus sign, while the negative terminal will have a negative sign.

    • 3). Place the positive battery clamp on the positive battery terminal.

    • 4). Tighten the bolt on the positive battery clamp until the clamp fits tightly around the terminal.

    • 5). Place the negative battery clamp on the negative battery terminal.

    • 6). Tighten the negative battery clamp the same way you tightened the positive clamp.

    • 7). Put the black protective cover back on top of the positive battery terminal.

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