Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Prepare For Creative Visualization Time

Preparing for your creative visualization session might not seem to be that important.
Besides, all you have to do is sit in a quiet room, close your eyes and picture your goals...
right? If you want to get the most out of your creative visualization time, then you will need to really invest some time and energy into maximizing each and every session.
After all, the time you spend in prepping and honing your visualization techniques will only bring you to your ultimate goal faster - so needless to say, it is well worth it! But do not worry - you would not need to take hours of yoga lessons or become a master yogi in order to prepare for an effective and powerful creative visualization session.
In fact, making the most out of your time is as easy as these three steps! Relax to the Alpha Level.
Did you know that our minds can demonstrate two levels of brain wave patterns? The one that we are most familiar with is the beta level - our busy waking conscious which processes things we see, hear and feel throughout the day.
The other level is the alpha level, which is a deeper and slower brain wave pattern.
This is the kind of level you want to get to during your visualization time, as research has shown that it has a relaxing effect on both your mental and physical state.
Here is the interesting bit: research has also shown that it is this brain wave pattern which is the most responsible for making concrete and positive life changes.
This means that by relaxing to the alpha level, your creative visualization will have a far greater effect on your life.
Pick the Right Time of Day.
When you choose to visualize can have a major impact on its effectiveness - after all, you can't expect to have a fruitful session during your lunch break in your office! Instead, indulge in a few therapeutic sessions just before going to bed, or just after you wake up in the mornings.
You will already be in a relaxed state and primed to make the most out of your mental imagery.
If possible, sit on the edge of your bed and indulge in a period of short meditation.
Breathing Counts.
Your breath will become one of your most important assets during your visualization time - especially if you have a difficult time relaxing into the alpha level.
While sitting on the edge of your bed, breathe in for a count of five and out for a count of six.
Picture each muscle relaxing as you breathe in and out, until your entire body feels as if it is going to float away.
Anytime you feel the stress returning, go back and repeat this same process until you are fully relaxed in the alpha level again.
After focusing on your breathing techniques for about three to five minutes, slowly count down from ten to one.
Once you hit the end of your countdown, you are ready to start harnessing your visualization time.
Remember, you do not have to stick to these preparation methods to get ready for your session; in fact, use whatever helps you to achieve the all-important alpha level.
Once you are there, you can really make the most of your creative visualization time!

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