Got Her Phone Number But Nervous About Making That First Call? Text Her!
Speaking from previous experience, I was on the side of being nervous about making the first call.
I would put it off for days or months.
At times, I would put it off so long, the woman I met forgot about me and moved on.
Those were some very awkward moments indeed.
Of course, I was kicking myself in the pants afterwards because I felt like I let another opportunity to date and be in a relationship go by because I was too nervous to make that first call.
Now, with the popularity of texting across various age groups, you can confidently break the ice.
Texting can be used to break the ice when you are nervous and uneasy about making that first call.
These feelings hit even highly confident men at times.
Texting allows you time to think about what you want to say without feeling pressured to say SOMETHING and mistakenly put your foot in your mouth.
The point is don't wait too long before you make the first phone call.
Instead, texting will help you to gently break the ice and confidently move towards setting up a date when you call (soon after your text conversation).
During your text conversation, visualize yourself having an in-person conversation with the person you want to date.
See yourself exuding a powerful but calm presence that will put her at ease.
Allow those feelings to translate into your texting.
Confidence or the lack of it can be picked up by women even through texting.
The potential for the conversation to stall is always there.
Don't sweat it! You know what to say because you got her to give you her phone number.
Shift the focus off of yourself and shift it on to her and getting to know more about her.
Continue your text conversation to allow any nervousness to dissipate that will impact the quality of your phone conversation.
When you finally get around to making the call, you will more than likely find that your text conversation has made her more open and at ease with you.
Don't screw it up.
Keep focused on getting to know her and respecting the pace at which she is moving.
If not, you will come across like wind and blow your chances.
Most of all, have fun, be genuinely interested in her and show it.
Dust off your shoulder if she doesn't ultimately accept the opportunity to get to know you better.
Rejection isn't personal.
It's just an occasional speck of dust that falls on your shoulder and you need to brush it off.
I would put it off for days or months.
At times, I would put it off so long, the woman I met forgot about me and moved on.
Those were some very awkward moments indeed.
Of course, I was kicking myself in the pants afterwards because I felt like I let another opportunity to date and be in a relationship go by because I was too nervous to make that first call.
Now, with the popularity of texting across various age groups, you can confidently break the ice.
Texting can be used to break the ice when you are nervous and uneasy about making that first call.
These feelings hit even highly confident men at times.
Texting allows you time to think about what you want to say without feeling pressured to say SOMETHING and mistakenly put your foot in your mouth.
The point is don't wait too long before you make the first phone call.
Instead, texting will help you to gently break the ice and confidently move towards setting up a date when you call (soon after your text conversation).
During your text conversation, visualize yourself having an in-person conversation with the person you want to date.
See yourself exuding a powerful but calm presence that will put her at ease.
Allow those feelings to translate into your texting.
Confidence or the lack of it can be picked up by women even through texting.
The potential for the conversation to stall is always there.
Don't sweat it! You know what to say because you got her to give you her phone number.
Shift the focus off of yourself and shift it on to her and getting to know more about her.
Continue your text conversation to allow any nervousness to dissipate that will impact the quality of your phone conversation.
When you finally get around to making the call, you will more than likely find that your text conversation has made her more open and at ease with you.
Don't screw it up.
Keep focused on getting to know her and respecting the pace at which she is moving.
If not, you will come across like wind and blow your chances.
Most of all, have fun, be genuinely interested in her and show it.
Dust off your shoulder if she doesn't ultimately accept the opportunity to get to know you better.
Rejection isn't personal.
It's just an occasional speck of dust that falls on your shoulder and you need to brush it off.