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How to Replace the Alternator Belt on a 1995 Ford Probe

    2.0-liter Alternator Belt Replacement

    • 1). Loosen the pivot and adjusting bolts on the power steering pump using a ratchet and socket and push the pump towards the center of the engine and remove belt. Mark the outer edge of the belt with a crayon prior to removal, to ensure proper direction of rotation after replacement.

    • 2). Loosen the pivot and adjusting bolts on the alternator using a ratchet and socket and push the alternator towards the center of the engine. Remove the belt.

    • 3). Route the new belt around the crankshaft pulley, the water pump pulley and alternator pulley.

    • 4). Pry the alternator away from the center of the engine until the center of the belt will only twist ¼ to ½ way around in the center of the longest space between pulleys. Tighten the pivot and adjusting bolts. Repeat this process for the power steering belt. Make sure you have your mark facing out.

    2.5-liter Alternator Belt Replacement

    • 1). Mark the outer edge of water pump and power steering belt with the crayon. Loosen the adjuster on the bottom of the engine with a ratchet and socket and remove the belt.

    • 2). Loosen the adjuster for the alternator and air conditioning belt and remove the belt.

    • 3). Replace the alternator and air conditioning belt and tighten the adjuster bolt until you can only twist the belt ¼ to ½ way around in the center of the longest run between pulleys.

    • 4). Repeat Step 3 for the power steering and water pump belt.

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