Individualism Killing Joint Family Tradition in India
India can boost of some of the ancient techniques and systems which were more advance then the today's fastest technologies.
These systems and techniques were made to take care of the need of all the people of society.
Ancient Indian's been very wise and advance as compared to other surrounding societies.
They were great astrologers, fighters, mathematicians and scientists.
Social systems were more inclined towards the needs of ordinary people.
One of such system was joint family system which was developed by social scholars for taking care of some the arising problems.
In joint family systems, many families stay under the same roof.
They have common kitchen and all the things were shared among all the members of society.
Old members of the family were treated with utmost respect and care and they are main decision makers of family.
This system was unique in many ways because it was able take care of most of the modern day problem.
For example when all the members of the family stayed in the same home then the chances of some one feeling alone or alienated were very less.
There were many children in home which make every one happy.
Financial burdens were shared by all the members of family therefore no one came under the pressure of arranging money.
Even if some time a member of family loses his job then he did not had to worry about his own family.
Therefore people are able to face the shocks very easily.
Mental problems were day dream at those days.
However, today we are going more towards individualism, which has started eroding our tradition values of joint family.
People are more interested in living alone then in joint families.
No brother wants to share his earning for the welfare of other brother.
Even people are not ready to share small sweets with each other.
Most sufferer of all this are old people, those who are now most alienated among all the family members.
No one wants to take care of their responsibility.
A complete reverse in the Indian value system and it adverse effects can be seen in the increase of mental disorders and ailments.
Today mental disorders are increasing at alarming rate in Indian society.
Many people are opting for suicide and murder everyday.
These can be the beginning points of more unforeseen fears.
These systems and techniques were made to take care of the need of all the people of society.
Ancient Indian's been very wise and advance as compared to other surrounding societies.
They were great astrologers, fighters, mathematicians and scientists.
Social systems were more inclined towards the needs of ordinary people.
One of such system was joint family system which was developed by social scholars for taking care of some the arising problems.
In joint family systems, many families stay under the same roof.
They have common kitchen and all the things were shared among all the members of society.
Old members of the family were treated with utmost respect and care and they are main decision makers of family.
This system was unique in many ways because it was able take care of most of the modern day problem.
For example when all the members of the family stayed in the same home then the chances of some one feeling alone or alienated were very less.
There were many children in home which make every one happy.
Financial burdens were shared by all the members of family therefore no one came under the pressure of arranging money.
Even if some time a member of family loses his job then he did not had to worry about his own family.
Therefore people are able to face the shocks very easily.
Mental problems were day dream at those days.
However, today we are going more towards individualism, which has started eroding our tradition values of joint family.
People are more interested in living alone then in joint families.
No brother wants to share his earning for the welfare of other brother.
Even people are not ready to share small sweets with each other.
Most sufferer of all this are old people, those who are now most alienated among all the family members.
No one wants to take care of their responsibility.
A complete reverse in the Indian value system and it adverse effects can be seen in the increase of mental disorders and ailments.
Today mental disorders are increasing at alarming rate in Indian society.
Many people are opting for suicide and murder everyday.
These can be the beginning points of more unforeseen fears.