Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Doing the Right Exercises For the Lower Abs

For athletes, the need to exercise the lower abs is essential in a workout regimen.
The process involves maintaining a functional and stable spine, as well as averts possible onset of back problems or damages.
The body is composed of two muscle groups.
The first one is the rectus abdominis or those paired muscles that are vertical on each side of the anterior wall of the human abdomen which pull the pelvis towards the belly.
Second is the transverse abdominus which constitute the muscles responsible in pulling the belly towards the spine.
Compared to other parts of the body, one of the hardest to trim is the lower abs because of the need for crucial focus and muscle control during workouts.
While sit-up has been regarded the most common of all types of workout for the lower abs, various ones have also been considered more effective.
One is the plank exercise which lets an individual to touch the floor with his elbows while facing the ground.
He then assumes a push-up position, allowing him to make use of his belly muscles to lift his trunk off the ground.
He remains suspended in the position for about 2 seconds before assuming prior position.
With the person getting used to this workout, he is able to carry out the procedure for a longer period that when he started.
This exercise is crucial and beneficial since it activates the belly muscles.
Another exercise that lets the person cling to a bar is known as the hanging ab leg.
This workout signals the abs muscles to hold the legs upright.
For beginners, this workout may be a little harder since it puts quite a deal of pressure on the lower abdominal muscles.
But it proves to be a lot effective in firming the abs compared with the other types of workout.
Pressing or flattening the back against the ground is yet another good form of lower ab workout.
With knees upright, an ab enthusiast lies flat on his back while his feet touch the floor.
Since the spine is curved naturally, it provides for an empty space just beneath the lower back.
With his belly muscles, the person then presses his back harder to the floor and remains suspended in that position for a few seconds.
This light workout is best for people whose backs have sustained injuries or damages of some sort before.
Lower ab workouts should specifically target the muscles in the lower ab area without any support from the other muscle groups.
And yet, the body should not in any way develop pain or stress on the back because pain means that the muscles could be a little weak they could not endure yet another workout, or the workout is being carried out incorrectly which may in one way or another result to injuries or damages.
Therefore, correct procedures should be maintained and proper care and discipline must be the guiding ideas behind any successful ab workout.
For more great information on lower ab exercises.

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