Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Choose Home Air Filters for Hay Fever

    • 1). Select an air filter that can be used with your air filtration system. Many of the filtration systems on the market use similar sized replaceable filters. Check with the manufacturer or your instruction manual to see the range and brands of filters that are allowed.

    • 2). Ensure that your replacement filters are rated for the room size. Be sure that your new filters can filter the entire environment. Some filters can clean a 10 X 12 room and others can do a whole house.

    • 3). Get air filters that will specifically block or remove allergens that cause hay fever. Make sure the air filter is rated specifically for hay fever and can filter dust, pollen, dust mites, animal dander, smoke and mold. Replacement medical grade HEPA technology air filters and high-efficiency electrostatic air filters may be best to control hay fever.

    • 4). Find out the cost of the available air filters that control allergens. Some filters are made of pleated paper and require replacement every month. They cost around $5. Others are permanent types with aluminum frames and will last for up to five years and may run around $80.

    • 5). Determine how quiet the filter will be. HEPA paper filters are generally very quiet, but the electrostatic filters sound like they are zapping everything that comes into contact with them. If your filter is positioned away from your seating area, that may be fine, or perhaps the electric sounding zapping noise doesn't bother you.

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