Health & Medical Anti Aging

3 Double Chin Exercises to Try

Some people think that double chins come naturally, but that's just another myth. Double chins occur due to deposition of fat in the facial and neck region. This is a normal mechanism of the body, though a number of people are surprised by it-your stomach and thighs are not the only place where extra fat is stored, the chin is also a depository for body fat.

This article lists 3 double chin exercises that, as the name shows, can help you get rid of the double chin. However, you should aim at maintaining overall health and workout to burn extra calories and get rid of the extra body fat. Losing weight through exercising can only affect your double chin problems positively. There are also a few double chin exercises that affect the fat stored in that area. Fat is stored in different places for different people. Some people store extra fat in their thighs. For others, fat is deposited near the waistline. Below are 3 double chin exercises for those who store fat near the chin area.

Posture is important while performing exercises to reduce double chin. Standing and/or sitting in the right posture will help tone and strengthen your chin muscles and this, in turn, will lead to burning fat.

Lying down on your belly and putting your head on the pillow is one of the easiest ways to deal with double chin. The neck muscles get stretched if you stretch you head back while lying belly-down.

Constantly exercising your neck muscles helps in losing fat in the neck area. However, don't get overeager and hurt yourself. Remember to do these exercises gently. Don't continue if you fell any sort of discomfort-the tissues and muscles near the chin and neck are delicate and can easily get hurt. And, though they may not yield immediate results, if you keep on performing the 3 double chin exercises, you'll see your chin go back to its normal size.

Some other double chin exercises are also suggested:

Stand comfortably and tilt your head back. Only continue tilting until you feel comfortable. Do not strain your muscles.

Another exercise is to stand comfortably and open your mouth as widely as possible. If you can manage it, hang your tongue out as well-the action must be gradual. This helps in dealing with a double chin.

Repeating these exercises about ten times a day can help reduce chin fat. These are some exercises that can help you reduce chin fat and get rid of your double chin.

Slapping under your chin the back of your hand, a few minutes each time, twice or thrice a day, helps reduce chin fat. A good haircut can also make your double chin less noticeable. Don't get a haircut where your hair ends near the double chin, or indeed the chin area as a whole-try for a shorter cut, where the hair ends at about the center of your cheek. Long hair is a different matter.

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