Business & Finance Corporations

How to Start a Mastermind Group

Selecting participants for a Mastermind Group is a key step, because one flat tire can cause the entire car to veer off course.
A group can be formed with a minimum of two people, but ideally you want about five members.
When looking for members you should look for people who:
  • share similar goals (starting a business in general or selling a particular product, for example)
  • are at a similar level of success
  • are similarly motivated
  • can commit to regular meetings
Normally the meetings are run by the group, with all decisions being made by a group conscious, so if someone does not take the meetings and subsequent actions seriously, the group should ask the person to leave.
It only takes one slacker to alter the energy level of the group and ruin it for everyone.
The group should meet at least once a month - though once a week is better suited to keep the momentum up - for about an hour (depending on how many people are in the group).
Members take turns leading the meeting, and each participant gets ten minutes to share what goals they're working on, steps they've taken, challenges they're facing, and successes they've had.
They receive feedback and formulate new actions to take by the next meeting.
Mastermind groups can meet in person, over the phone or online.
It's up to you and other members of the group.
As you can see, starting your own mastermind group is easy and can be done fast when you have the right people in your mind.

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