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Attract Her Back And Make Her Go Crazy For You!

To lose a girlfriend over some silly breakup is a terrible thing to happen to a man. Getting her back is always in the back of your mind, and you want to be able to make that fantasy become YOUR reality. Guys have this fantasy all of the time, but most of them will not do a thing to make it happen. If you want to attract her back, then you have to determine which kind of guy do you want to be?

If you want to be the kind of guy that goes out there and makes things happen, then you have to really take a look at what it takes to attract her back...and make her go CRAZY for YOU.

Here are 3 tips that should help you attract her back into YOUR arms:

1. Do NOT use the phone as a way to keep track of her.

A woman does not dream about having a man in her life that is going to keep tabs on her. So, if you think that calling her up to see where she is and what she is doing is somehow going to impress her or make her have a change of heart, you need to snap out of it man. Seriously, even if she does want to get back together, calling her too much can make her change her mind faster than a New York minute.

2. Do NOT use guilt as a weapon.

This is a classic move and it always ends up making things worse. If you assume that making her feel guilty about breaking up with you is the key to getting her back, then you need to check yourself. Doing this will make her feel resentment towards you, and no woman goes back to a man that she feels resentment for. Instead, you need to do things that make her feel GOOD, not things that make her feel bad about herself.

3. DO learn how to use female attraction as an ally.

When a man knows the right buttons to push at the right time, then getting her to want to come back is not really that hard. To make her feel attraction for you will help you to get past any possible circumstances that arose, and it can make her forget about any squabbles in the past. When a woman feels really strong attraction, she can forgive and forget almost anything.

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