Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Top 3 Reasons Why Article Submission Services Drive More Traffic to Your Website

In today's world of Internet marketing, it is necessary to have multiple means of getting traffic to your website.
Not just any traffic, but targeted traffic, which will more likely result in the desired action you wish your readers to make.
Article Internet marketing is a great way to get this targeted traffic to your website.
There are many ways to market your articles however the most effective way is to maximize the use of your time when marketing these articles.
If you market your articles efficiently, you can write more and get even more traffic to your website.
Article submission services are one of the most efficient ways to get traffic to your website from your articles.
Article submission services are services that automatically submit your articles to article directories and publishers for you.
Some of them may have their own submission requirements to be able to submit to the maximum number of directories, so it is important to follow their submission guidelines.
If you don't follow the guidelines, you are only hurting yourself.
1) Instead of spending time submitting articles to directories, you are writing articles.
Let's say there are over 500 article directories and publishers out there that you could be submitting your articles to.
If you are submitting your articles to all these directories by hand and it takes you about 10 minutes to submit an article to a directory, then that is 5000 minutes, or about 3 ½ days.
You can write a lot of articles in 3 1/2 days! The amount of time you may spend submitting an article to an article submission service may be 30 minutes at most.
1 submission vs.
over 500; how much is your time worth? 2) Additional exposure for your article.
Many times, article submission services have their own directories and lists that only members of their submission service have their articles on.
These services also spend time getting traffic to their websites as well as provide ways that you can use to market your articles easily, such as RSS feeds, article directories and other tools.
You get the benefit of the traffic that is on their article directory already because that traffic can stumble across your article.
3) Data you can use to more powerfully market your products/services through your articles.
Most of the good article submission services will keep statistics about who looks at your article, who downloads your article and who uses your article feed.
This is valuable information that gives you insight into what kinds of articles your target market finds interesting and what kinds of titles draw them in.
You can look over time which kinds of articles are out-performing the other articles and from there you can tailor the kind of articles you would write to produce even better results in terms of getting more traffic to your website.
This is free marketing information that is very powerful feedback in being able to enhance your marketing message through your articles.
These are the top 3 methods of why article submission services will help you to drive more traffic to your website.
However, there are other benefits as well of article submission services that will really enhance your results of driving hungry visitors to your website.
When authors take all of these into account, then they will put themselves out in front of their competition on the Internet.
The key to article marketing success is a well-developed strategy.

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