How to Tone a Double Chin
- 1). The platysma muscle extends from the lower jaw to the base of your neck; you'll feel it tighten if you purse your lips or smile broadly. This is the primary muscle to be toned, and almost any exercise that gives it a workout will help.
- 2). Practice good posture, with head up and chin extended slightly. This will help to reduce your double chin, while also minimizing its appearance in the process.
- 3). Stretch your chin and throat gently with the following exercise: Standing or sitting with back straight and arms relaxed at your sides, push your lower lip out and up over your upper lip. Gently roll your head back until you're facing upward, inhaling deeply as you do so. Hold the breath and the position for a moment, then exhale as you bring your head back to its normal position. Start with a few of these each day; work your way up to an amount that feels comfortably challenging.
As a variation on this, pucker your lips while your head is tilted back, as if you were trying to kiss the sky, while keeping the rest of your facial muscles as loose as possible. - 4). Repeat the exercise but instead of tilting your head back, slowly and gently turn it to the side until you are looking over your shoulder. Keep your shoulders relaxed and facing forward. Lower your chin until it is resting on your shoulder in this position. Hold. On the exhale, let your head fall comfortably toward your chest. Alternate turning in both directions.
- 5). Be persistent and creative in finding other ways to exercise your platysma muscle. You may or may not feel comfortable doing neck rolls at the office or waiting on line, but you can chew sugarless gum or nibble on unsalted sunflower seeds. Get your kids into silly-face contests. Smile.