Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Truth For Youth

An open letter to the youth of today My talks and writings are all about being at peace with yourself, and this happy relaxed state being the launching pad, for future success and wealth.
I know that every person has the ability to be happy successful and wealthy, the trouble is that various influences up to early adulthood, all tell you that you can't for some reason or another.
My teachings are designed to unblock the false and limiting beliefs that are programmed into you, and then let people see what can be achieved with a very sound ethos, based on knowing what you want, being kind, being grateful, being forgiving and living a full and productive life, based on what you want and desire, NOT what has been programmed into you by people and things in the past.
My experience dealing and writing for young adults, is that a majority have got a very twisted out of balance view of what life is all about.
This is in no way their fault, because it is all gained from the signals and messages that they have been taught or observed to this point.
The world is a crazy place at the moment and it will be this generation of uni students, that are going to have to sort things out.
There are going to be some very radical and huge decisions to be made in in the future and it is up to everyone to try and understand and appreciate the workings and consequences of life.
Life is governed by universal laws and it is only when you understand these laws and principles that you can use them to your advantage.
Life is really meant to be very easy, yet we all tend to take the route of maximum resistance.
How good would it be to be taught laws and values that could lead to a harmonius, happy, successful ,wealthy life guaranteed.
I have this last week agreed to mentor a young man, and he is going to keep a daily blog of his progress.
We are going to prove these teachings work if they are followed correctly, and we are prepared to hold our test up to scrutiny.
The blog will be posted on the web and will be available for all to see.
As a matter of interest I have proved these teachings work in my own life, having gone from a very precarious position only 6 years ago, to a very comfortable financial position, that allows me to do this work full time.
My motivation is to spread these simple proven teachings to as many people as possible.
To summarise, life is meant to be easy, if you know how to use the universal laws to your advantage, life will be easy.
I hope this has given you some food for thought.

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