MHOW - Military Headquarters of War - A Tribute to the Raj
MHOW is a small town about 23 km from Indore.
But its importance is manifold compared to its size.
Every part of MHOW breaths history.
It is an acronym for Military Headquarter of War and has been an important part of the British Indian army from the days of the Raj.
The British came to MHOW after the third Maratha war where Holkar and his allies were defeated by the British under Sir Thomas Hislop in the battle of Mahidpur in 1817.
The treaty of Mandsaur followed and the Hollers were compelled to shift their capital to Indore from Maheshwar while the British were allowed to set up a garrison at MHOW.
This cantonment town was founded in 1818 by Sir John Malcolm a scot as a result of the Treaty of Mandsaur between the English and the Holkars.
John Malcolm had also fought at the battle of Mahidpur under Hislop.
MHOW was always an important British cantonment and serviced the entire central India.
The 5 division of the Southern Army was stationed at MHOW during the days of the Raj.
MHOW was a major railway division during the British Raj.
But after independence the stock and facilities were shifted to Ratlam and Ajmer.
However its importance to the Indian Army has grown manifold as it has become one of the most important training centers of the Indian Army.
The Army war college, School of Infantry and the Military College of Telecommunication Engineering are institutes that command a name in the Indian Army.
In addition MHOW boasts of one of the oldest Military clubs in India with a 18 hole golf course which again is a tribute to the British.
MHOW is the home of the infantry and officers from the army consider it a privilege to attend a course at MHOW.
For some time the army Training Command was also set up at MHOW before it was shifted to Shimla.
MHOW has a salubrious climate and a visit to this place can be a good holiday.
You can reach Indore by train or air from all major Metros of India and from there to Indore one can take a taxi or a local train that plies between MHOW and Indore.
MHOW is a tribute to the British raj.
It has its roots in the Raj and the Indian army has gratefully taken over the facilities left back by the British and put them to good use.
Let us hope it continues like that.
But its importance is manifold compared to its size.
Every part of MHOW breaths history.
It is an acronym for Military Headquarter of War and has been an important part of the British Indian army from the days of the Raj.
The British came to MHOW after the third Maratha war where Holkar and his allies were defeated by the British under Sir Thomas Hislop in the battle of Mahidpur in 1817.
The treaty of Mandsaur followed and the Hollers were compelled to shift their capital to Indore from Maheshwar while the British were allowed to set up a garrison at MHOW.
This cantonment town was founded in 1818 by Sir John Malcolm a scot as a result of the Treaty of Mandsaur between the English and the Holkars.
John Malcolm had also fought at the battle of Mahidpur under Hislop.
MHOW was always an important British cantonment and serviced the entire central India.
The 5 division of the Southern Army was stationed at MHOW during the days of the Raj.
MHOW was a major railway division during the British Raj.
But after independence the stock and facilities were shifted to Ratlam and Ajmer.
However its importance to the Indian Army has grown manifold as it has become one of the most important training centers of the Indian Army.
The Army war college, School of Infantry and the Military College of Telecommunication Engineering are institutes that command a name in the Indian Army.
In addition MHOW boasts of one of the oldest Military clubs in India with a 18 hole golf course which again is a tribute to the British.
MHOW is the home of the infantry and officers from the army consider it a privilege to attend a course at MHOW.
For some time the army Training Command was also set up at MHOW before it was shifted to Shimla.
MHOW has a salubrious climate and a visit to this place can be a good holiday.
You can reach Indore by train or air from all major Metros of India and from there to Indore one can take a taxi or a local train that plies between MHOW and Indore.
MHOW is a tribute to the British raj.
It has its roots in the Raj and the Indian army has gratefully taken over the facilities left back by the British and put them to good use.
Let us hope it continues like that.