Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Reduce Or Eliminate Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes and some of them might not be all good.
Stretch pregnancy marks are extremely difficult to get rid of, once you've got them.
That is why it is best to try and prevent the appearance of stretch marks then try to remove them afterward.
Stretch marks appear when a part of the body increases in size too fast for the skin to naturally expand without damage; during pregnancy, every woman is exposed to the high risk of stretch marks.
The most common causes of stretch marks are pregnancy and sudden weight gain, but there are a few things you could do to prevent the occurrence of this uncomfortable condition.
You could find ways to prepare your skin for the stretching it will have to undergo, so that it will not be damaged.
The main factor with stretch marks is the elasticity of the skin, and that is affected by the quantity of moisture in the skin, so there are some things you could to in that respect.
First of all, you should drink at least 2 liters of water each day, because water helps maintain the skin's moisture and elasticity from within, keeping your skin and your whole body hydrated.
Each day, you should apply an adequate stretch mark pregnancy cream or lotion liberally, for 3 times a day.
The cream or lotion must penetrate the epidermis and reach the dermis.
You should start applying the cream during the second trimester of pregnancy, before the skin starts stretching and is already damaged.
You should exercise regularly; consult your doctor and get a set of suitable exercises that you can do during pregnancy, including stomach exercises if possible, because that will give the skin elasticity.
Use a cream or lotion to massage the skin daily throughout the entire period of pregnancy, in order to help the skin maintain its moisture and keep it hydrated.
You should also watch your diet, so that you will always make sure not to gain too much weight in a very short period of time; be careful about how much weight you gain, because sudden weight gain does a lot of damage to the skin.
After pregnancy, your skin will recover in time, and if you are cautious and follow all the necessary steps before, you will have very few stretch marks which will fade or turn white in time.
If you already have stretch marks and are wondering what to do to get rid of them, there are a few things you could try at home.
You should follow the steps described above to reduce the damage; if you moisturize and hydrate the skin, some of the negative effects will heal in time, but you need to start as soon as possible.

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