Business & Finance Small Business

5 Decorating Ideas For Your Office

5 Decorating Ideas for Your Office

As we go to write this, it's finally spring in Sydney after a cold, wet winter. Everyone is digging about in their wardrobes to find lighter clothing, making exercise plans to shift their winter weight and most offices are experiencing that positive shift in work ethic that comes from sunny days and warmer weather. It's time to spring clean your office, and these are our five top tips for getting the best results from redecorating.

Tip One: Approach your office as one big display artwork.

What do you want your office to say about your services? Utilizing your office as an innovative and large-scale display is the secret to many business's success, not least of all the big department stores who hire huge teams of people to fix their shop windows because they know that it the best way to make a great first impression.

Tip Two: Create your office space to encourage the best possible thinking your staff could do.

Want more innovative thinking? Try bright colours and open spaces to give your staff the space and inspiration to think outside their cubicle and the current ways to doing tasks. It's not called thinking outside the box for nothing! Or do you want more efficient execution of tasks from your staff? Then try a cool colour scheme, sleek lines and separate work spaces so they won't get distracted. If like most businesses you'd like both, why not hire a professional to put together the perfect mix for your office.

Tip Three: Invest in quality basics.

This is not the most exciting tip at first glance, but when you consider the money you'll save by not needing to replace furniture every couple of years, or shell out for an employee with RSI, you can see why investing in good office chairs and workstations is the smart thing to do. Not only will it save you money, but well-chosen office furniture also looks great, impresses clients and encourages staff.

Tip Four: Make your tools part of your work environment.

Filing cabinets, workplace partitions and brainstorming tools like whiteboards and pinboards should complement your office space, and be part of your office layout. Rather then working out ways to hide these essential tools, put them front and centre so your employees use them, and your office place beckons them back to do extra, and better work.

Tip Five: Make sure your office is trans-seasonal.

When you are making your decorating decisions, make sure you are focused on creating an awesome looking office that has a versatile and sustainable aesthetic. Don't pick furniture or colour schemes that will look good for only half the year, or only in the sun. There is no better way to make your employees lose focus then by having an office that emphasizes poor weather or long hours.

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