Technology Computer & Networking security

Reasons why small UK businesses may be most at risk to lose sensitive Data

Small business owners may feel the pain from insurmountable business losses most, if they do not take steps to increase security so that customer's private data and sensitive data is is protected from mitigation, man-in-middle attacks, point of sales attacks, hacking and other data loss scenarios. In one study, despite the approval of the Data Privacy Act, UK business owners admit 78 percent of them have suffered losses. Another 13 percent of business owners and employees were not sure if their business had been affected by data losses and in need of data recovery in the UK, whether it is laptop data recovery or Raid 5 data recovery.

The cost of a data loss is relegated to only the loss of the data itself. Business owners must still reimburse customers for lost funds, pay for any data recovery in the UK, and pay for laptop data recovery. A smaller business may not be able to absorb the cost of their insurance costs rising because of data losses. However, if business owners knew what caused the greatest data losses, they could take steps to eliminate the biggest problems leading to needing data recovery UK. Here are four of the biggest reasons why business owners need a disaster data recovery plan.


Employees leave computers Unattended - Employees may forget to lock their computers if they walk away from their desk. Without a security safeguard, an employee's computer is open to inside cybercrime and hacking. Employees may accidently click on spam my links or open unsafe attachments. Seventy-seven percent of employees admitted leaving their computers unattended. All these risky behaviors can open the door for cybercrime and cyber criminals to steal sensitive data.


Mobility issues cause data losses - Employees these days are apt to bring their own devices into the workplace. Did you know that 56 percent of employees are likely to store files on their laptops, Smartphone's and other devices? Increasing mobility can help employees, but it also can lead to laptop data recovery if employees lose their devices in a cab or other public place. It is unlikely UK IT professionals will gain full control of any personal devices, so it is hard to protect a company's sensitive data.

No Backup System in Place - Smaller businesses may not have a backup system in place because smaller business owners think Raid 5 systems are too expensive. However, the cost of Raid 5 data recovery may be far cheaper than the mounting other expenses a small business owner pays due to downtime and data losses and needing Raid 5 data recovery. At least a third of smaller UK companies also admitted that there was no data disaster plan in place in case of a real emergency. Without a backup plan in place, how can smaller businesses not expect to lose data due to accidental erasures, hackers, cyber criminals, and corrupted files?

No enforcement of the Rules - UK companies who want to reduce their downtime must enforce policies designed to mitigate and stop data losses. Eighty percent of smaller company's IT professionals believe managing and monitoring end user privileges and entitlements may keep data safe. However, companies also need to review their security measures on who is granted access to sensitive information and ensure these security practices are followed religiously.

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