How to Report the Abuse of a Private Investigator's License
- 1). Gather information on what has been observed or witnessed. Whether it is illegal activity on the part of the private investigator or the subject is working without proper licensing, factual information is the most important component to your report. Observe details about the situation and organize them. This information will be used later. Be sure to note date and time of the offense as well as location and identifying characteristics of the offender, such as the license plate number of any vehicles involved.
- 2). Talk to witnesses, if any, that can support your claim of professional wrongdoing. Be diligent in recording names and contact information for witnesses. Gather documentation as supporting evidence for your report. A good practice is to research local laws pertaining to private security if you are not already familiar with them or to contact the governing agency for more information to verify the wrongful nature of the offense.
- 3). Investigate the company to find the investigator's license number. The state investigator license number is listed on every business card, advertisement, sign bearing the name of the company, and the license itself will be hanging on the wall of the office of that company in plain view by law. This information is vital in reporting any violation regarding an investigator.
- 4). Call the office that has authority over the areas of security and investigation with your information. Each state has a different agency responsible for this industry. For example, the Dept. of Criminal Justice Services Private Security Division is who you would need to contact in the state of Virginia. Contact the compliance office within the agency and inform them of your intention to make a complaint or report.
- 5). Complete a "report of complaint" form, provided by the office of the governing agency or their website. Type or print clearly on the report to fill in your personal information. Provide the names and contact information of witnesses involved that you recorded earlier. Give a complete description of the nature of your complaint and be sure that your account is brief and concise. Documentation in support of the complaint should accompany the completed form. Mail the report to the address provided or take it physically to the office to file.