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Teflon Tape Directions

    • 1). Clean the threads on the end of the pipe or fixture with a stiff brush. This removes any dirt, sediment or old Teflon tape. Wipe the threads clean with a rag once you finish brushing.

    • 2). Hold one end of the tape over the threads just below the end of the pipe or fixture. Wrap the tape around the threads, moving in the direction of the threads, with your free hand. Most pipe threads move in a clockwise direction.

    • 3). Maintain tension on the tape as you wrap it around the threads. Overlap the end of the tape and remove the finger that was holding it in place. Continue wrapping the tape, overlapping the last wrap by half the tape width going down the length of the threads away from the end of the pipe.

    • 4). Cut the tape once you reach the end of the threads. Smooth the tape end over the threads with your finger. The threads are now ready for the female fitting.

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