Health & Medical Anti Aging

Would You Like to Reduce the Effects of Aging?

By the age of 50, many people begin aging more noticeably than ever before.
What can help slow this process?
The various ways to help reduce the effects of aging may not be new, but they are important nonetheless.
Even if you've heard of them, you may find it difficult to remember all of them or find a way to integrate them into your daily routine.
Here are the most important things you can do to stay healthy-or get healthy-and reduce the effects of aging: · Exercise regularly · Eat well · Avoid smoking and/or excessive alcohol consumption · Get regular health checkups · Avoid stressful thinking (because stressful events can't be avoided) · Counteract the effects of aging when possible In order to exercise regularly, choose something you enjoy.
Participate in the kinds of activities that help keep you healthy and feeling young.
The very best way to incorporate a regular exercise routine is to choose an activity or activities you enjoy, or at least tolerate well enough to keep at it.
Choose something that keeps your heart rate up for at least half an hour a day, 3 to 5 days a week.
Find your favorite activity but be sure to check with your doctor first.
Whatever gets your heart pumping and keeps you interested is great-swimming, walking, hiking, jogging, sprinting, bicycling, dancing, fencing, Wii Fit, you name it.
Be creative.
Find healthy recipes that are good for you.
Search the Internet and find the healthy recipes you think you and your family would like.
Again, as with exercise, it's important to find what you enjoy so you're more apt to include it as part of your daily routine.
Remember to eat whole grains along with plenty of fruits and vegetables, unless a professional has recommended a special diet.
Also, cutting back on sugary and/or fatty foods rather than trying to eliminate them completely can be helpful.
Reward yourself with your favorite dessert on occasion if you've been eating well.
For smokers or excessive drinkers, break the habit! That's the most important thing you can do.
Smokers can call a tobacco user's helpline, or talk to your doctor about Chantix-a prescription medicine that helps adults quit smoking.
Both have proven helpful for those who have been unable to quit on their own.
Also, if you consume more than one or two alcoholic beverages a day, that can take its toll on your body and lead to addiction.
Get help early on, or whenever you can.
If you think alcohol or other drugs may have become an addiction, consider seeing a counselor and/or finding an AA meeting near you.
Early screening is the best form of prevention.
When diseases or health problems are detected early on, the chances of a full recovery are much greater.
Be aware of the recommended screenings and have them done in order to detect a problem and get help immediately.
Most important for those in their fifties and beyond are mammograms for women and prostate exams for men.
You can't avoid stressful situations but you can avoid stressful thinking.
No doubt you've heard the advice to avoid stress but don't know how because it's part of your job, a relationship, or your current situation at home.
Keep in mind that although things may be hectic or stressful, you can still control how you react.
Stress is a major cause of illness and increased aging.
If you find yourself stressed out a great deal, try to recognize what kind of thoughts or "triggers" cause the most stress for you.
Then work on ways to think differently about them and to react differently.
If the stress is excessive, causing emotional and/or physical effects, consider seeking help from a professional therapist or counselor.
Reduce oxidative stress in order to reduce the effects of aging.
Scientists have been discovering ways to eliminate free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
Antioxidants can reduce a small amount of free radicals, but nowhere near enough.
Protandim is an herbal remedy that has been clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress by 40%.
It works in a manner similar to antioxidants, but since it works from the inside out and naturally induces the proper enzymes, the body can combat all the free radicals that are produced each day.

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