Natural Acne Remedies - An A-Z Guide to Natural Acne Remedies
The billion dollar drug industry is in the business of treating many of our afflictions.
However, it could be argued that they do not have a strong interest in curing our health problems.
While, this may sound overly cynical the drug companies make more money if we have to keep buying their prescriptions than if they developed a cure for our problem and we stopped taking their medications.
People who suffer from acne know this.
Acne is one of those ailments that has a million OTC and prescription treatments but nothing that really cures the problem.
However, there is a natural acne remedy.
Listed below are some of the natural ingredients that can provide a Natural Acne Remedy.
A- Aloe Vera is not just something in skin lotions.
It is actually a plant.
The juice from Aloe Vera leaves is very good for the skin.
You don't have to buy some diluted version in a skin cream.
Get your own Aloe Vera plant and squeeze the juice from the leaves onto your problem areas.
Work it into the skin.
A- The fruit of an avocado can be mixed with small amounts of water to make a great paste that is very good for your skin.
E- Eggs are another good natural acne cure.
First you should separate the egg whites from the yolk.
Then apply to your problem areas, read a good book for 10-15 minutes while it dries and then gently rinse and dry.
G- Garlic can also be used to treat acne.
If you can, rub a clove of garlic several times a day over your problem acne areas.
You can also increase your intake of garlic in your day to day diet.
Garlic helps detoxify your blood and can contribute to healthier skin.
H- Honey is a wonderful skin cleanser that you will find added to many acne products.
You can just apply real honey to your face and let it do its magic.
Another tip is to add some egg-whites to the honey and let the mixture dry for about 10-15 minutes.
Then gently rinse and dry.
L- Lemon juice can be applied directly to acne and is a great way to dry up problem areas.
Actually, many citrus fruits will do the same thing but overall lemon seems to work the best.
You can try orange or even strawberry if you find lemon stings to much.
V- Vinegar or more specifically white vinegar is a great treatment for acne.
You will want to experiment by diluting it with water so it is not too strong.
Dab the vinegar onto real problem spots with a cotton swab.
Let it set for about 5 minutes.
W- Water is one of the best natural acne remedy cures.
It should be used frequently without additives to rinse your face.
You should also drink more water because it is very important to re-hydrate your skin from within.
Z- Zinc has been known to be a miracle cure for some acne sufferers.
It has wonderful drying properties and helps put an important ingredient back into our skin.
You can try taking more zinc in your diet as well.
However, it could be argued that they do not have a strong interest in curing our health problems.
While, this may sound overly cynical the drug companies make more money if we have to keep buying their prescriptions than if they developed a cure for our problem and we stopped taking their medications.
People who suffer from acne know this.
Acne is one of those ailments that has a million OTC and prescription treatments but nothing that really cures the problem.
However, there is a natural acne remedy.
Listed below are some of the natural ingredients that can provide a Natural Acne Remedy.
A- Aloe Vera is not just something in skin lotions.
It is actually a plant.
The juice from Aloe Vera leaves is very good for the skin.
You don't have to buy some diluted version in a skin cream.
Get your own Aloe Vera plant and squeeze the juice from the leaves onto your problem areas.
Work it into the skin.
A- The fruit of an avocado can be mixed with small amounts of water to make a great paste that is very good for your skin.
E- Eggs are another good natural acne cure.
First you should separate the egg whites from the yolk.
Then apply to your problem areas, read a good book for 10-15 minutes while it dries and then gently rinse and dry.
G- Garlic can also be used to treat acne.
If you can, rub a clove of garlic several times a day over your problem acne areas.
You can also increase your intake of garlic in your day to day diet.
Garlic helps detoxify your blood and can contribute to healthier skin.
H- Honey is a wonderful skin cleanser that you will find added to many acne products.
You can just apply real honey to your face and let it do its magic.
Another tip is to add some egg-whites to the honey and let the mixture dry for about 10-15 minutes.
Then gently rinse and dry.
L- Lemon juice can be applied directly to acne and is a great way to dry up problem areas.
Actually, many citrus fruits will do the same thing but overall lemon seems to work the best.
You can try orange or even strawberry if you find lemon stings to much.
V- Vinegar or more specifically white vinegar is a great treatment for acne.
You will want to experiment by diluting it with water so it is not too strong.
Dab the vinegar onto real problem spots with a cotton swab.
Let it set for about 5 minutes.
W- Water is one of the best natural acne remedy cures.
It should be used frequently without additives to rinse your face.
You should also drink more water because it is very important to re-hydrate your skin from within.
Z- Zinc has been known to be a miracle cure for some acne sufferers.
It has wonderful drying properties and helps put an important ingredient back into our skin.
You can try taking more zinc in your diet as well.