Drugs That Can Cause Hypertension
Apart from essential secondary and remediable hypertension, drugs can also be the main cause of hypertension.
But in many cases this occurs in persons taking hypertension causing medications without any physician or pharmacist consent.
This is because these medications are generally available over the counter, and can be purchased at any pharmacy outlet or through a pharmacy online service.
Drugs that can cause hypertension: The medications that can cause hypertension include oral contraceptives, sympathomimetics, amphetamines, NSAIDs, steroids, caffeine and MAOIs.
The most common class of drug that causes hypertension is the oral contraceptives.
It is a rough estimate that around 5% of the hypertension patients are having it due to oral use of contraceptives.
However this is not so intense in many cases, women may using contraceptives show a small measurable increase in their blood pressures.
That it is around 10/5 mmHg increase in the blood pressures during the first two years of oral use of contraceptive pills.
The common factors that cause an increased incidence of oral contraceptive induced hypertension include age over 35 years, a family history of hypertension, obesity and smoking.
The latter two of these factors can be modified, but the former cannot be altered.
In this hypertension, the main role is that of estrogen although the type and amount of progestin also seems to be influencing the effect on blood pressure.
This is thought to be caused through stimulation of the renin angiotensin-aldosterone system and the retention of sodium and fluid in the body.
This type of hypertension is usually reversible within 1 to 8 months after the termination of therapy.
The best way to prevent the oral contraceptive induced hypertension is to check the blood pressure every 6 months and by using the smallest possible dose of the contraceptive agents.
Women who are at a higher risk of getting hypertension need to use alternative ways of contraception, for which they have to consult the doctor, pharmacist or the pharmacy online counseling.
Other medications that are important in this aspect include non prescription sympathomimetics.
The usage of these agents especially ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and phenylephrine may cause hypertension.
These are available in many medications available as OTC products and can be purchased through pharmacy online without any prescription but should be asked for the correct use from the pharmacists.
Especially phenylpropanolamine can cause an increase in the blood pressure and may also cause intracranial hemorrhage.
A double dose of this drug can increase the bp peaking to around 175/100 mmHg.
The effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on elevated blood pressure are well demonstrated, as these elevate the supine blood pressure by up to 5 mmHg.
These can also antagonize the effects of beta blockers, diuretics and vasodilators.
Others that cause hypertension are Cyclosporine is also a medicine that may elevate the blood pressure by vasoconstriction and sodium retention.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors and steroids may also cause hyper elevation of the blood pressures in many users.
Caffeine present in many OTC medications can also cause bp elevations in long term use.
But in many cases this occurs in persons taking hypertension causing medications without any physician or pharmacist consent.
This is because these medications are generally available over the counter, and can be purchased at any pharmacy outlet or through a pharmacy online service.
Drugs that can cause hypertension: The medications that can cause hypertension include oral contraceptives, sympathomimetics, amphetamines, NSAIDs, steroids, caffeine and MAOIs.
The most common class of drug that causes hypertension is the oral contraceptives.
It is a rough estimate that around 5% of the hypertension patients are having it due to oral use of contraceptives.
However this is not so intense in many cases, women may using contraceptives show a small measurable increase in their blood pressures.
That it is around 10/5 mmHg increase in the blood pressures during the first two years of oral use of contraceptive pills.
The common factors that cause an increased incidence of oral contraceptive induced hypertension include age over 35 years, a family history of hypertension, obesity and smoking.
The latter two of these factors can be modified, but the former cannot be altered.
In this hypertension, the main role is that of estrogen although the type and amount of progestin also seems to be influencing the effect on blood pressure.
This is thought to be caused through stimulation of the renin angiotensin-aldosterone system and the retention of sodium and fluid in the body.
This type of hypertension is usually reversible within 1 to 8 months after the termination of therapy.
The best way to prevent the oral contraceptive induced hypertension is to check the blood pressure every 6 months and by using the smallest possible dose of the contraceptive agents.
Women who are at a higher risk of getting hypertension need to use alternative ways of contraception, for which they have to consult the doctor, pharmacist or the pharmacy online counseling.
Other medications that are important in this aspect include non prescription sympathomimetics.
The usage of these agents especially ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and phenylephrine may cause hypertension.
These are available in many medications available as OTC products and can be purchased through pharmacy online without any prescription but should be asked for the correct use from the pharmacists.
Especially phenylpropanolamine can cause an increase in the blood pressure and may also cause intracranial hemorrhage.
A double dose of this drug can increase the bp peaking to around 175/100 mmHg.
The effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on elevated blood pressure are well demonstrated, as these elevate the supine blood pressure by up to 5 mmHg.
These can also antagonize the effects of beta blockers, diuretics and vasodilators.
Others that cause hypertension are Cyclosporine is also a medicine that may elevate the blood pressure by vasoconstriction and sodium retention.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors and steroids may also cause hyper elevation of the blood pressures in many users.
Caffeine present in many OTC medications can also cause bp elevations in long term use.