Health & Medical Hypertension

Blood Pressure Tables

People often ask "What is High Blood Pressure.
" Here I have compiled some Hypertension tables in hope to answer that question.
The following table explains what blood pressure, is considered hypertension and what is not.
It is for adults only, not children and is useful in understanding your own health risks as it explains what levels of general health your body is at.
Understanding Blood Pressure is very important to stay healthy and protect the bodies systemic respiration as well as maintain a healthy heart.
Mind compulsory justification of the disease is important.
The patient must learn their pressure and except it.
It is no use to continue to deny their results, this will simply end with no treatment being carried out.
Thus to understand and accept your results is the first step to being a healthy and happy person.
•BP Classification Chart (Adults) •Category Systolic pressure (mm Hg) Diastolic pressure (mm Hg) •Optimal Less than 120 Less than 80 •Normal Less than 130 Less than 85 •High-normal Less than 140 Less than 90 •Mild Hypertension Less than 160 Less than 100 •Moderate Hypertension Less than 180 Less than 110 •Severe Hypertension 180 or more 110 or more The above table shows what is considered to be the level of hypertension or normality an adult patient is when measuring their bp.
It is important to take into account variables such as stress, that can temporarily raise your bp, or measures at home are usually lower than clinical measurements.
This is because the patient is usually nervous at the doctor.
Also strenuous exercise before the test can be detrimental to the results.
To fully comprehend one's illness they must understand aspects about their body and its function.
Whether they have deficiencies or even immunities that affect their bp results is important to their diagnosis as their unique causes of their elevated pressure are key to rectifying their problem.
Each person is different and will be affected differently to each treatment, whether medicinal drugs, exercise, dietary changes or other methods.
Thus understanding the cause of the illness is simply paramount to establishing an effective and lasting cure.
Patients are often confused as to how high their blood pressure can go before becoming "too" high, and the above table answers this.
So Always keep in mind what your hypertension risk is to help combat the condition.
For more information on how to prevent hypertension click on the link below.
For now stay healthy and good luck.
Charles Gerdson

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