Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Trouble Sleeping? Here Are 3 Tips For Getting Eight Hours Of Sleep Every Night

Many people routinely get a full eight hours of sleep every night while others struggle.
Sleep is extremely important to good physical and mental health so the information that follows is very important if you have consistent trouble getting to sleep.
Scientists have studied sleep for many years and they have found that sleep gives our bodies the opportunity to recover, replenish and rejuvenate.
However, you don't need a scientist to tell you how important sleep is if you're not getting enough of it.
People who have trouble sleeping are more likely to get into accidents, lose their job, have trouble with relationships, and develop significant illnesses.
So, if you're struggling with sleep you need to find a solution quickly.
In the past, I suffered with chronic insomnia.
Fortunately, I was able to find a solution.
My sleep problems were solved by doing three things every night before bed.
There are three main things you can do right now to improve your sleep as follows: First, make sure you have your last meal of the day no less than two hours before you go to bed.
Eating late night snacks is a real bad idea if you have trouble sleeping.
To be honest, I'm not exactly sure why this is such a big deal.
However, all I know is that fasting two hours before going to bed has helped me get to sleep within 20 minutes of turning out the lights.
Second, go to bed the same time every night.
This is really important.
You see, our bodies crave consistency.
By going to bed at different times you throw your body's "sleep clock" out of whack.
You really need to train your body by being as consistent as you can be.
Third, before going to bed write down on a piece of paper five things that you need to do, or will do, the next day.
This is an amazing habit to get into.
By writing down five things that you need to do the next day you are setting your mind at rest.
As soon as you turn out the lights your mind will no longer need to plan for the next day because you just took care of that.
I realize that these three things I just listed seem like they're no big deal.
You might even consider ignoring them completely.
That's a big mistake because they really work.
If you're having trouble sleeping give them a try for a few days.
I bet you'll discover exactly what I did and your sleep problems will be a thing of the past.

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