How to Type at Home for Income
- 1). Type papers from drafts and charge for the service. Graduate students who have done all the work but have run out of time to finish up their projects often rely on someone else to type up notes and final drafts of their work. This is an ethical practice. Many of their papers are hundreds of pages once written and edited. Your job is just to type it up. You can charge by the project or by the page. Post fliers at colleges so students and teachers know that you're available for typing services.
- 2). Type and get paid for transcribing handwritten manuscripts. Many non-fiction as well as fiction writers could often use extra typing services. Being a writer doesn't always mean one knows how to type. Some authors still write their manuscripts out longhand, others are just poor or slow typists and are willing to pay for someone else to do it. You can charge by the project or by the page. You can add an extra charge if you need to do any editing. Join local or internet networking groups to let writers know you're available.
- 3). Transcribe for doctors who orally dictate notes into a cassette recorder. You may have to stop by the office once or twice a week to pick up the cassettes. Once you type them at home, take the hard copy and cassettes to the office. There may be more work waiting for you. If you offer fast and reliable turnaround times, news about your abilities may spread quickly.
- 4). Solicit your typing services at local law offices and other venues where a lot of paperwork is generated. Many electronic forms need to be typed manually. Help out administrative assistants who get overloaded with clerical tasks. You can make arrangements to be an outsource for administrative staff who have small typing jobs that need completing. Your typing services will be worth every cent you charge to a tax preparer around tax time.
- 5). Create avenues for your typing services. Run ads in your local paper about your services. Promote your typing services to public figures who give a lot of speeches. Online typing for website builders is a growing market. Corporate typing is also a lucrative avenue if you don't mind being contracted, as you may be typing sensitive material such as annual reports. Be bold and innovative with your marketing ideas. Keep in mind that if you read it, someone had to type it and that someone probably got paid. Next time, the opportunity could be yours.