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Part Time Work at Home Jobs - Become a Part Time Freelance Writer

Need extra money? If so, then one of the many part time work at home jobs may be just what you are looking for.
On the net today, the demand for at home workers has risen tremendously.
So if you are an excellent, and proficient writer, you already have the skills necessary to become a part-time freelance writer.
As a part-time freelance writer, you can determine your pay, how many hours per day you will work, and you will earn extra cash on the side.
The first thing a new freelance writer has on his mind when he begins work is "how much should I charge".
Well, the answer to that question depends on how much you feel your work is worth.
You want to make sure you don't charge too much, but you also don't want to charge too little.
Once you have determined a reasonable amount to charge, stick with it, and don't sell yourself short.
There are endless opportunities for freelance writers on the Internet.
The duties that you will be required to perform will vary from writing, and editing school papers, to writing articles for webmasters, posting blogs, editing books and other higher paying jobs.
As a new freelance writer, you may have to wait and gain valuable experience before you can charge big money for your work.
Small freelance writing jobs are offered daily on the popular advertising mega-site Craigslist.
So if you're new to this field, Craigslist may be the perfect place to start looking for freelance writing gigs.

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