Health & Medical Hypertension

Blood Pressure Medication - Are Side Effects Just a Fact of Life?

Are you on a blood pressure medication? Do you have to take more than one because one just can't control your pressure? Do you understand that you'll have to take this medication, or some form of it, for the rest of your life? Is that something you want to do? Then there are the side effects.
In most cases, side effects are relatively mild and will include fatigue, dizziness, rashes, diarrhea, nausea, headaches or frequent urination.
In some cases they can be downright lethal and cause heart failure or kidney failure.
It is extremely important that you report any side effect that persists to your doctor.
High blood pressure affects over 60 million Americans and millions of them are controlling their condition with blood pressure medication.
Almost every one of those will have to go through modification in dosage or drug combinations to find what works (for the present) without side effects.
As you age and your body changes and your tolerance for the medications lessen, you'll have to change dosage or drugs again.
It's just a fact of life.
Or is it? Take a moment and think how your blood pressure drugs really affect your life and the life of your family.
The first question you should ask yourself is a very simple one.
When you wake up in the morning do you feel good about yourself and your life? Is your mental outlook positive? Do you look forward to all the possibilities of the future or are you concerned that your life may not have much of a future.
How does your HBP affect your family? Are you as active with them as you always were? Are there activities or places that you don't go to or take part in since your diagnosis? Is your sex life the same? What would life be like if you could simply cure your condition rather than control it? How great would it be not to even have to think about your blood pressure again.
How great would it be not to be dependent on the drugs? There is an alternative you know.
Thousands of Americans have cured their high blood pressure and have significantly reduced and reversed the damage done to their blood vessels and all without taking drugs.
How can that be? Well, some of the very things that probably contributed to you developing HBP are also the same things that can cure it.
Specifically, diet, exercise and stress management.
Isn't it interesting that the American Heart Association says this about blood pressure medication:
"Blood pressure-lowering drugs can help control blood pressure when diet and physical activity alone have not succeeded.
In other words, drugs are the back up position not the first recourse.
Did your doctor talk to you seriously about this? There's no question but that a natural approach to your condition requires a commitment and it is not as convenient as simply popping a pill every day.
On the other hand, the only side effects from a natural high blood pressure program are positive, not negative.
You'll feel better, look better, have more energy, more self confidence and your outlook on life will be far more positive.
If this sounds attractive to you, you owe it to yourself to investigate how a natural approach can fit into your life.
Your heart will thank you.

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