XBox 360 Live Disconnection Problems
- If you have hooked up your Xbox 360 to the Internet using a router, there may be problems with maintaining a consistent connection to Xbox Live. If you're experiencing disconnection issues while using a router, first check to ensure any PC's you have connected to the router can also access the Internet. If there are no problems with the PC connections, reset your router while plugged into a Xbox 360 that is powered on. After the router has reset, try again to connect to Xbox Live. If you continue to disconnect from the service, your router may be incompatible with the 360, check the website of your router's manufacturer for further information.
- While the Xbox 360 does feature an additional wireless connection device for purchase, performance with this device is affected by wireless interference as well as compatibility issues. When purchasing a wireless router, check to see if the device is compatible with either the Xbox 360 specifically or Windows Vista. If neither is listed as being compatible with your wireless bridge, this may be causing connection problems. The distance from your wireless bridge can also lead to poor performance. Attempting to connect using a bridge in a different room or a different level of your home can mean that the signal hits a great deal of interference. Try to move your 360 closer to the wireless bridge to improve performance.
- During times when a large portion of the Xbox Live community is attempting to access the service such as directly after a big game release or on holidays when most users are at home, the system can experience problems from the overload of players. During these times, it is difficult to connect to other players or the service will disconnect even if you've previously had no issues with your Xbox Live connection. If you find that during a particular period you've experienced issues, check gaming communities online to see if multiple people are experiencing the same issue. If this is a widespread issue, you can expect that Microsoft is aware and working on a solution, wait a few hours and connect again.
- Once every couple of months, the Xbox Live service will undergo routine maintenance. These scheduled down-times are announced when users log onto Xbox Live in the days leading up to the downtime. During these times it may be impossible to connect to the service or any connections made to Xbox Live will result in a disconnection a short time later. There is no problem with your console during these times, and you can always check if the service is currently running by checking the Xbox 360 home page.