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How to Remove a Tension Pulley for a 1996 Cavalier

    • 1). Open the Cavalier's hood. Plug the serpentine belt tool into the automatic belt tensioner and rotate the tensioner pulley off the belt until the pulley no longer contacts the belt -- don't over rotate it.

    • 2). Slip the belt off the alternator pulley with your free hand. Rotate the belt tensioner back into place. Remove the serpentine belt tool.

    • 3). Unbolt the automatic belt tensioner from the front of the Cavalier's engine using the socket wrench and 13 mm socket. Depending on your physical size and dexterity, as well as the engine and engine component configuration, you may need to access these bolts through the right-front wheel well instead of from the top of the engine bay.

    • 4). Pull the old automatic belt tensioner assembly out of the engine well by hand and set it aside. Hold the new belt tensioner in position with one hand and thread the bolts in with the other. Tighten the bolts to 35 foot-pounds with the socket wrench.

    • 5). Plug the serpentine belt tool into the new automatic belt tensioner. Rotate the tensioner counterclockwise and slip the belt over the alternator pulley with your free hand. Place the belt on the new tension pulley and slowly rotate the new tensioner back into place.

    • 6). Examine the belt at each pulley in the system to make sure it seats on each pulley properly. Loosen the tensioner and adjust the belt on the pulleys if necessary. Remove the serpentine belt tool from the new tensioner and close the Cavalier's hood.

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