Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Training a Puppy Not to Chew - Mom! The Puppy Chewed Up My Homework Again

Chewing is a natural part of a dog's behavior.
Training a puppy not to chew is something you can only accomplish to a limited extent.
Puppies chew to build up mouth muscle strength and also when they are teething, much like a small child.
Dogs will chew when they become restless, bored, lonely, frustrated or stressed.
They also bite and chew when playing.
To a dog their mouth is very much like your hands and when they feel to need to keep busy they will often do so by chewing on something.
Never scold a puppy for chewing on something while you were out.
They cannot make the connection- they feel rejected, but do not understand why.
Remember chewing behaviors do not mean the dog is mad at you.
If they have been alone for a long time, they can become restless and, in an attempt to find something to do, they chew.
Because chewing relieves stress dogs can destroy furniture by chewing when they feel something bad is about to happen.
Training a puppy not to chew is in part understanding when they are likely to want to chew and approaching the problem with that mindset.
Until you are sure your dog will not chew on your furniture or shoes do not leave the dog unattended in the house.
If you do need to leave them, give them a nice play room where they can relax (and chew) without damaging your stuff.
Include several chew toys in the room, again, because chewing is a natural response for a dog and they need to be allowed a chance to chew occasionally.
Part of training a puppy not to chew is giving them things they can chew on, particularly raw hide soaked in flavored soups or with bones (to get the flavor of the bone marrow).
If the dog chews on something when you are around, make a sharp sound, which will get their attention and stop whatever they were doing.
Have your dog to sit while you tell the dog in a firm, non-angry voice "no.
" Then allow the dog one of their chew toys.
When they take to chewing on the toy, praise them.
Also make sure you train your puppy not to bite.
This will reinforce the fact that chewing is only OK on certain types of objects and help in training a puppy not to chew.

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