Colds, Flu and Your Immune System - Causes and Solutions
Colds and flu are common problems, but some people suffer more than others.
Those with lower immunity can die from complications such as dehydration or pneumonia.
Here you will learn about the causes of the infections and about things that weaken immune system function.
You will also learn about the solutions.
What Causes Colds? The common cold is a viral infection of the nasal passages and upper respiratory system.
Usual symptoms include sneezing, coughing and a sore throat.
There are hundreds of different viruses that can cause the symptoms.
The one we know the most about is the rhinovirus.
When someone sneezes or coughs, the viruses fly through the air.
They do not function as other life forms do.
There is even some question about whether or not they are living organisms.
Instead of reproducing, they replicate.
The viruses can remain active on surfaces for many days, possibly weeks.
So, when someone in the house is infected, it can be difficult to prevent the condition from spreading to other family members.
What Causes the Flu? Influenza is caused by a different family of viruses.
The viruses are divided into three categories; A, B and C.
The viruses infect birds and mammals.
The symptoms include those associated with the common cold, along with chills, fever, headache, weakness and muscle pain.
Influenza is more likely to progress into pneumonia.
The viruses are transmitted in the same way as the cold.
What Causes Weakened Immunity? Weakened immunity makes people more susceptible to infections of all kinds.
Things that have a negative effect on immune system function include: • Young Age-infants and young children have an immature immune system.
We develop immunity to viruses and other kinds of infections after being exposed to them.
• Old Age-older people sometimes have weaker immune systems, although it is not necessarily a natural part of the aging process • Poor Nutrition • Disease-an existing disease of any kind can make a person more susceptible to infection • Immunodeficiency-in immunodeficiency diseases, a person's immune system is dysfunctional.
The diseases may be acquired (AIDs) or something one is born with.
• Treatments for disease Some diseases are referred to as autoimmune diseases.
They are characterized by an overactive immune system.
In order to treat the autoimmune disease, doctors prescribe drugs that suppress immune system function.
The treatments make the person more likely to catch colds and the flu.
Many cancer treatments destroy immune system function, temporarily.
While a person is receiving those treatments, they are more susceptible to colds and flu.
Even being around people who are sick increases your risk of becoming infected.
What Are the Solutions? There are no cures.
Anti-viral medications are only somewhat effective.
Flu shots are used to prevent people from coming down with influenza, but the shots are only effective against the specific virus believed to be most likely to cause an infection during that year.
There are hundreds of viruses in the family.
So, the shot does not guarantee you won't get the flu.
The real solution to colds and influenza viruses is to strengthen your immune system.
You will learn how to do that in my next article.
Those with lower immunity can die from complications such as dehydration or pneumonia.
Here you will learn about the causes of the infections and about things that weaken immune system function.
You will also learn about the solutions.
What Causes Colds? The common cold is a viral infection of the nasal passages and upper respiratory system.
Usual symptoms include sneezing, coughing and a sore throat.
There are hundreds of different viruses that can cause the symptoms.
The one we know the most about is the rhinovirus.
When someone sneezes or coughs, the viruses fly through the air.
They do not function as other life forms do.
There is even some question about whether or not they are living organisms.
Instead of reproducing, they replicate.
The viruses can remain active on surfaces for many days, possibly weeks.
So, when someone in the house is infected, it can be difficult to prevent the condition from spreading to other family members.
What Causes the Flu? Influenza is caused by a different family of viruses.
The viruses are divided into three categories; A, B and C.
The viruses infect birds and mammals.
The symptoms include those associated with the common cold, along with chills, fever, headache, weakness and muscle pain.
Influenza is more likely to progress into pneumonia.
The viruses are transmitted in the same way as the cold.
What Causes Weakened Immunity? Weakened immunity makes people more susceptible to infections of all kinds.
Things that have a negative effect on immune system function include: • Young Age-infants and young children have an immature immune system.
We develop immunity to viruses and other kinds of infections after being exposed to them.
• Old Age-older people sometimes have weaker immune systems, although it is not necessarily a natural part of the aging process • Poor Nutrition • Disease-an existing disease of any kind can make a person more susceptible to infection • Immunodeficiency-in immunodeficiency diseases, a person's immune system is dysfunctional.
The diseases may be acquired (AIDs) or something one is born with.
• Treatments for disease Some diseases are referred to as autoimmune diseases.
They are characterized by an overactive immune system.
In order to treat the autoimmune disease, doctors prescribe drugs that suppress immune system function.
The treatments make the person more likely to catch colds and the flu.
Many cancer treatments destroy immune system function, temporarily.
While a person is receiving those treatments, they are more susceptible to colds and flu.
Even being around people who are sick increases your risk of becoming infected.
What Are the Solutions? There are no cures.
Anti-viral medications are only somewhat effective.
Flu shots are used to prevent people from coming down with influenza, but the shots are only effective against the specific virus believed to be most likely to cause an infection during that year.
There are hundreds of viruses in the family.
So, the shot does not guarantee you won't get the flu.
The real solution to colds and influenza viruses is to strengthen your immune system.
You will learn how to do that in my next article.