Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Raise Your Creativity

I have discovered that many people do not understand what creativity is and therefore are not aware that this is a characteristic we all have.
After years of working creatively with people of all ages I have strengthened my belief that we are all born with creative abilities.
Some people were fortunate to have adults in their lives who encouraged their creative growth when they were children.
Others were not as fortunate, but that does not mean that those people are not creative.
All that means is that they were not encouraged to use their creative abilities.
It is still there and simply needs to be encouraged now.
Being creative increases our ability to solve problems and to enjoy life.
We have more choices in our lives due to our ability to recognize more solutions to problems.
Every day we encounter problems, that's part of life.
With a highly developed creative ability we can come up with all kinds of solutions, some of which might seem to be crazy.
As Albert Einstein once said "If at first the idea is not absurd then there is no hope for it".
Being creative is not just for people who have chosen to be artists; it is an ability everyone can use to enhance their life.
There have been many books and articles written about how to increase one's creativity.
I believe the most important step has been overlooked and that is to believe that you are creative.
Believing in your ability to be creative is the very first step.
So, change your thinking and know that you are creative.
Some other ideas to help you awaken and increase your creativity include: (1) Break unnecessary rules.
No I don't mean breaking the law.
However, we have many rules that we follow without thinking about them.
Rules such as; all the cups have to go in the same place in the cabinet or the forks always have to go on the left of the plate.
Although I agree that some rules concerning table settings are important in particular times and places, they are not always that important.
Give yourself a break, do something different.
Instead of using a tablecloth or mats set the table with towels or fall leaves.
Try a new way of going to work rather than following the same route every day.
Have pancakes for supper! (2) If you have a hobby, such as needlework, make up your own design.
Following kit designs is like using a coloring book; you are filling in someone else's creation.
Making up your own designs is being creative.
If you garden, when you decide where to put a plant you are being creative.
If you change your mind and decide that spot is not a good spot for it after all and choose another spot you are being creative.
Learn how to follow a pattern and then make up your own pattern.
(3) Decorate your home yourself.
There are millions of books, TV shows and websites on how to decorate a home.
Read them, watch them, do your research, find out what you like.
It is okay to mix and match design styles and strategies.
Your home does not have to look like it came out of Better Homes & Gardens.
Your home needs to be a place you enjoy and feel comfortable in.
Play around with the design elements.
Put your favorite vase in one spot one day and try it in another spot another day.
(4) Play is vital for creativity and vice versa.
Make sure that every day you do something that you enjoy.
It's best if you take breaks throughout the day to play.
Play is how you define it.
It can be an enjoyable conversation with a coworker or friend.
It can be going to your favorite website, watching your favorite TV show, listening to your favorite music etc.
(5) Exercise should be playful.
In order to keep yourself engaged in exercise, make sure it is the type of exercise that you enjoy.
Exercise does not have to be relegated to a gym.
You can exercise almost anywhere; dancing in place is a great example of playful, creative exercise.
(6) Get involved with the arts.
You do not have to be an artist to enjoy being creative or to appreciate the creativity of others.
Keep visual art supplies and musical instruments in your home and play with them just for the pleasure of it.
Try to illustrate a feeling using art supplies.
Do the same with a keyboard or drum! Go to art shows and musical events and absorb the creativity of others.
(7) Reduce perfectionistic thinking.
Unfortunately we are overwhelmed with too many rules concerning how to do things perfectly at work.
Most jobs involve writing notes and keeping "perfect" records.
This type of thinking can severely reduce a person's ability to be creative.
When we do not have to be perfect, we can be happy with "good enough".
As human beings we make mistakes on a daily basis and learning how to accept our mistakes is vital to our mental health.
Allowing mistakes to happen is an important part of creative thinking.
Many artists have found that the work of art they feel is their best came from making a mistake.
(9) Embrace change.
Change is the most constant aspect of life.
Everything is always changing.
Some changes are slow and subtle while others are fast and obvious.
We have an effect on the changes around and within ourselves.
When we recognize and embrace this we can have a more conscious and deliberate effect on those changes.
As we raise our ability to think creatively, we become more flexible and able to consciously influence changes within and around ourselves.
(10) Try a new way of thinking, be your own "Devil's Advocate".
If you are aware that you have a strong opinion about something, try on the opposite opinion.
Argue with yourself.
Look at the issue from someone else's perspective.
While a certain amount of judgment and criticism are valuable, too much can lead to a closed mind and reduce creative thinking.
(11) Practice mindfulness.
Practicing mindfulness helps us cope better with stress.
The result is that our mind is more relaxed more of the time.
When our minds are relaxed, open and accepting we are able to perceive more possibilities and increase creative thinking.

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