Coping With Anxiety With 4 Very Simple Techniques
Coping with panic attacks is undoubtedly rough specially if they take place repeatedly and you are continually asking yourself when the next one is going to take place. Take the following small steps and you will learn easy methods to rely on yourself for coping with an anxiety attack.
- The very first and probably most significant is to recognize that your body needs to rest and relax for you to recuperate. So start by making a list of activities you find calming or restful. Include whatever you want for example taking a walk, having a nice soak in a hot bubbly bath, sitting quietly in a cosy corner reading a book, gazing out of your window and looking at the clouds pass by and spending a few moments doing a couple of stretching exercises or laughing with the kids.
- The next thing is to make a list of things that you know make you feel better and this will be different for everyone. My list includes; drinking a glass of water, eating a wholesome meal and replacing a cup of coffee for a cup of peppermint tea.
- Aim to get to bed a little earlier so that you will get more sleep and include several of these relaxing fun activities every day without fail. You will be amazed at how different you will feel.
- Lastly, make an action plan for handling your anxiety attacks. So that regardless of what situation you find yourself in you are mentally prepared. Make plans for different ways of taking small relaxing breaks. These could be a simple as visiting the bathroom or going outdoors to walk around the garden.
There are lots of other positive steps you can take that will help you handle anxiety attacks.
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