Abortion Personified
We rationalize it in every way imaginable. Cousin Jane had an abortion, that doesn't make her an evil person. It's just tissue anyway, why make a big deal of it? Scientists call it a "product of conception," it's not like it's a real baby!
They say familiarity breeds contempt, which may sometimes be true. "They" don't often say that repetition of the most contemptible acts breeds complacency and acceptance, but that's equally true. Virtually no one says aborting innocent, pre-born infants is a good thing. We prefer to resort to the excuses of cousin Jane, the "just tissue," and the clinical "product of conception" defenses.
Psychologists call those subterfuges avoidance and denial, the all too common effort to avoid and deny ugly truths.
One of the ugliest truths in society today is the reality that aborting babies is barbaric and inhuman but it is deemed excusable since Jane did it and it's not really a baby, anyway.
Regardless of Jane, recent technology has proven that that product of conception is indeed very much a living human being and not mere tissue, that that "tissue" has arms, legs, a brain, a beating heart, and experiences excruciating if wordless pain when he or she is suctioned from, burned to death with acid, or sliced and diced in the womb.
A warning to those who prefer to live in an unreal dreamworld of avoiding and denying the truth, please don't view the following video. It would undoubtedly be disturbing and traumatic, unless you choose to dismiss it as a propagandistic, fabricated production of those right-to-life loonies in which case you can view it as a sick fantasy.
Those living in the real world will find the video an extremely graphic but true to life account of the abortion process: http://vimeo.com/3440043
The deniers may be superficially happier than realists, oblivious as they are of reality and truth. However, so. too, are residents of asylums often happy people. Reality can be very uncomfortable.
They say familiarity breeds contempt, which may sometimes be true. "They" don't often say that repetition of the most contemptible acts breeds complacency and acceptance, but that's equally true. Virtually no one says aborting innocent, pre-born infants is a good thing. We prefer to resort to the excuses of cousin Jane, the "just tissue," and the clinical "product of conception" defenses.
Psychologists call those subterfuges avoidance and denial, the all too common effort to avoid and deny ugly truths.
One of the ugliest truths in society today is the reality that aborting babies is barbaric and inhuman but it is deemed excusable since Jane did it and it's not really a baby, anyway.
Regardless of Jane, recent technology has proven that that product of conception is indeed very much a living human being and not mere tissue, that that "tissue" has arms, legs, a brain, a beating heart, and experiences excruciating if wordless pain when he or she is suctioned from, burned to death with acid, or sliced and diced in the womb.
A warning to those who prefer to live in an unreal dreamworld of avoiding and denying the truth, please don't view the following video. It would undoubtedly be disturbing and traumatic, unless you choose to dismiss it as a propagandistic, fabricated production of those right-to-life loonies in which case you can view it as a sick fantasy.
Those living in the real world will find the video an extremely graphic but true to life account of the abortion process: http://vimeo.com/3440043
The deniers may be superficially happier than realists, oblivious as they are of reality and truth. However, so. too, are residents of asylums often happy people. Reality can be very uncomfortable.