Home & Garden Architecture

How to Make a Solar Panel for a School Project

    • 1). Measure a piece of copper flashing the same size as your hot plate and cut it to size. To prepare the metal, wash the copper, as metal can carry oils and grease that could hinder the outcome of your project. Finally, sand the metal's surface gently with the sandpaper, as this rids the surface of corrosion and makes it more amenable in its role as a solar cell.

    • 2). Turn on the hot plate and let it work up to full power. When it has, place the cut piece of copper flashing directly onto the burner and let it sit for 30 minutes. This will cause the metal to turn black as the copper oxidizes. After the half hour passes, turn off the hot plate, but do not remove the copper sheet for another 20 minutes.

    • 3). Scrub the copper flashing gently under running water. This should remove most of the black coating on the sheet of metal. Use the glass or bowl as a guide to cut a second piece of copper flashing able to sit just inside the inside edge of the outer lip. Fill the glass or bowl with water and place the unoxidized piece of copper into the vessel. Place the previously prepared piece of copper sheet on top of the glass or bowl and secure it in place with alligator clip leads. The copper pieces should not touch, but they can bend to fit inside the glass or bowl.

    • 4). Place the solar panel in the sun to watch it concentrate the sun's rays and heat the water within the glass or bowl. To measure the microamps collected in the process, watch the measurement readings on the micro-ammeter. On a larger scale, these solar cells can heat enough water for daily water use, cooking and bathing.

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