Pets & Animal Pets Cats

How To Keep Peace In A Multi Cat Household

Are you the owner of more than one cat living in the same house? If so, you may have come across cats who fight each other constantly.
This can be depressingfor you and very stressful for the cats involved.
It is not unusual for the weaker cat involved to escape when it gets a chance and never return.
I am the owner of ten cats, mostly strays dumped in my backyard.
In this article I will share with you a few tips to keep the peace in a multi cat household.
Here are 5 successful tips to keep peace in a multi-cat household
  • Introduce new cats to each other gradually - When a new cat is added to your home it is good to introduce each other gradually.
    You need to follow a step by step process beginning with making the new cat comfortable in a space where it can see the other cats, but not come into direct contact with them.
    The second step is to let them sniff each others belongings like blankets or toys.
    You need to feed them apart but in the same space.
    Finally they could meet under your supervision and if they are aggressive towards each other you may need to repeat the steps again.
  • Feed the aggressive cats first- Meal times in multi-cat households can be chaotic unless handled carefully.
    you may observe that some cats are aggressive at meal times and it is better to feed them first, and feed the others while the aggressive ones are enjoying their meals.
  • Provide enough bedding and resting places for all- Bed times also be stressful if there is competition for bed space.
    So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure that all cats have their cosy corner to sleep in.
  • Pay enough attention to all cats- Cats can be jealous animals especially when it comes to human attention.
    Therefore pay equal attention to all cats, so that they do not get jealous of one another.
  • Neuter all adult males- Male cats however close to each other while young tend to be aggressive towards each other when they grow up.
    Two male cats fighting can be a catastrophic and you may be the one getting injured when trying to stop them fighting.
    Neutering male cats before they reach maturity will help to put a stop to this.
    It will also prevent them from spraying.
These proven actions have helped me keep peace in my household of ten cats for the past six years.
I hope these tips are useful and help you to keep peace in your multi-cat household.

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