Business & Finance Corporations

Make Money From Home - Success is Determined by Intentions

So you have your own home based business.
Of course you want it to be successful, but what does success mean in this case? I think success is limited only by the mind of the individual home business owner.
Think about that one for a second.
What would it take for you to consider your home business a success? Would it be to move into your dream house, or to drive a luxury car? How about earning more money from home than you know what to do with? These are all nice things to have, but achieving long-term wealth isn't about all of the expensive material objects.
It's about quality of life, building relationships, and finding out what you can do for others.
It's been said that success is measured by taking a look at how many people are better off because of you.
That really is an excellent way to look at it.
Success is all about adding value to other people's lives.
The past couple years have been very interesting for me.
I've tried more money making opportunities than I'd like to admit to, and none of them worked in the beginning.
Why? I'll tell you.
First, I had the wrong intentions.
I was only concerned about making money for myself, so I guess you could say I was downright greedy.
Second, I was trying to make a go of it all by myself.
This one really wasn't my fault, since the things I tried were designed to leave me high and dry.
The only good thing about a failure is the chance you have to learn from it.
I've learned a lot from my past experiences, and I have found the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel.

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