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How to Perform File Recovery in MS PowerPoint 2007 & 2010

MS PowerPoint 2007 and 2010 are widely used by most of the users as both are the latest version of MS PowerPoint. In these latest versions we get some more advanced features than earlier versions. The presentations created in MS PowerPoint 2007 and 2010 are saved in a file type called PPTX (.pptx). It is the new format for Microsoft Office documents which is a combination of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) architecture and ZIP compression for reducing file size.

MS PowerPoint program is used to create slide show presentations which may contain a collection of slides, texts, images, animations and other media items. In these days presentation files are commonly used for both commercial (business and marketing) and educational (training and academic) purposes. In MS PowerPoint 2003 and its earlier versions the data were stored in a single binary file but in the latest versions, i.e. 2010 and 2007, the documents can be stored as a collection of separate files in a compressed form. And due to XML architecture images, macros, charts and other multimedia items can also be added to a presentation file.

Despite of having so many advantages there is a bitter truth about PPTX file. It can become corrupt or inaccessible at any point time as it is not immune to corruption just like other files. In fact PowerPoint files are at highest risk of corruption as they have pretty large file size and difficult file structure. A Pptx file can be corrupted or damaged due to some main reasons such as:
  1. A computer virus or bug can affect our data and files stored inside a particular folder or drive. Or sometimes it can affect the application programs which are used to create files.
  2. While working with MS PowerPoint if the system turns off all of a sudden due to power outage then the file could be damaged or becomes inaccessible.
  3. While saving a Pptx file it could take a little more time (according to the file size) and before the file is completely saved if we close the program the file could be damaged or some data in the file can be lost.
  4. If there is a problem in system hard drive or if it crashes then the files could be affected. And this situation can become a big dilemma for us if we try to troubleshoot it manually. By doing this the data and files can be corrupted or sometimes it could be lost.   
  5. Sometimes when we can't open our Pptx file we manually try to fix it by changing the file extension or somehow. This action could be very dangerous, so one thing must be kept in mind that we must never try such things without having prior knowledge.

Certainly we can't afford such a situation of data loss. The hard work what we have done to create those Pptx files mustn't be wasted. In this situation of sudden data loss a backup file can play a role of life-saver. So it is highly recommended to back up the data and files in regular interval to prevent the situation of data loss or data corruption. If we have a valid backup for those Pptx files then we can restore them from it in just no time. But if we don't have any backup or the backup fails somehow then we must consider some third party tools which are smartly designed to fix this situation.

MS PowerPoint Pptx Recovery can fix the heavy corruption from MS PowerPoint 2007 and 2010.  The files which become inaccessible due to any reason can be easily recovered in just no time. It is the most effective and 100% result oriented utility designed for both technical and non-technical users. We can also check its performance before buying it as it is available with free demo version. 

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