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Good Eats Review

Generally beginning with a short but pithy monologue by the host, this Food Network seems to have captivated culinary enthusiasts and amateurs alike.
Written, produced and hosted by Alton Brown, this exhibition of cooking prowess is intent on helping viewers learn how to prepare dishes that are easily accomplished at home.
Each show has a theme anywhere between what to eat when trying to lose weight to manly foods.
With all of the delicious recipes, scientific information and cooking guidelines each view is assured that no matter what they are learning to make it will always be...
Good Eats! From a production stand point Good Eats is a very creative concept.
Episode themes usually always include scientific facts, equipment advice, props and quirky characters.
Alton Brown doesn't just stand in front of the camera and stir; he gets into the chemical reactions taking place and how the food is responding to hot or cold cooking methods and explains why a copper bottom pot is different from a stainless steel pot and how the results will differ.
He highlights many herbal remedies that can be added to food such as a soup that is good for healing a sore throat and cold.
Alton has multiple personalities on the show, each episode may be a different character for a different theme; he plays a likeness of Colonel Sanders, his own bad boy alter ego, Waffle Man and many other madcap personas.
The crew is never left out; they are always making, or being, props.
The staff dresses up as foodie super heroes, federal agents and giant grains of rice to show how the cooking process bounces them around.
The crew also creates numerous props and sets for the show like a life size burrito bed, character costumes and even a giant walk-in BBQ grill (charcoal, grid, fake flames, it had it all).
Good Eats also has many creative camera angles and positioning.
Alton talks to viewers as if they were inside the oven or refrigerator; the camera peeks into the window and startles Alton as if it were a person.
All recipes are flexible, Alton lets viewers know when recipes can be alternated with low-fat or non-fat ingredients, sugar alternatives and other weight loss tips to make the dish healthier.
All in all, Good Eats and Alton Brown have a wonderful knack for making food fun and interesting.
He gets viewers excited about cooking and all of the adventurous possibilities of cooking.

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