Health & Medical Hypertension

Fight High Blood Pressure With Your Diet

I am not a GP but I have done a bit of reading on blood pressure and what can be done to help alleviate the symptoms of hypertension.
It is probably important at this stage to say that it is important to always consult your GP about conditions such as this.
This is very imporant particularly when making any dietary changes.
Here are some ideas and food sources that may help: Calcium, several studies have shown that calcium can have a modest effect on lowering blood pressure.
The great thing about calcium is that it is readily available in a lot of healthy foods, great sources include spinach, broccoli, salmon, sardines and almonds.
Dairy is another source but I wouldn't recommend too much due just in case of lactose intolerances and sugar content.
Garlic, not just to keep the vampires away but can lower blood pressure too.
In 1990, german researches saw decreases of up to 13% in diastolic when supplementing garlic compared to people taking a placebo.
The good thing about garlic is that it is readily available and be added to cooking.
If you don't the associated breath then a supplement can be taken (always read the label) Omega Three Fatty Acids, basically the stuff found in cold water fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon.
This could be a whole article in it's self based on the benefits of Omega Three on the body.
These can help to reduce blood clotting and inflammation which in turn can help reduce blood pressure.
Omega three's must be obtained from diet because the body can't produce them.
So as I mentioned above, I would consult your doctor before making any dietary changes but the good thing about the foods listed above are they are every day things can be incorporated into your diet at a pace that suits you.
If you are currently suffering from high blood pressure then it is certainly worth looking into.

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