Health & Medical Diabetes

5 Top Healthiest Foods For The Treatment of Diabetes

The advancement in medical sciences has enabled the diabetics to find different approaches and choices for the treatment of diabetes.
Some diabetics choose to give a try to conventional treatment of diabetes like exercising regularly, losing excessive weight and planning the diet.
Though these are termed conventional treatments of diabetes but they are still relevant and can be easily linked to the new style of diabetic treatment.
The awareness has gradually changed the understanding of this issue.
Nowadays more importance is given to balanced diet with the right portions of proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber in the meal plans.
Below are given 5 top healthiest foods for diabetics.
These foods help not in only in the treatment of diabetes but also for preventing the disease in those who have a higher risk factor for diabetes.
Grapefruit: It is an excellent source of Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is critical for supporting the immunity system and for promoting the cardiovascular health.
A study published in Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry revealed that grapefruit contains pectin, which has the ability to lower down the level of Low-Density Lipoproteins as well as triglycerides.
Cinnamon: It is an herb that has been proved to lower down the level of blood glucose significantly.
It improves the capability of type 2 diabetics to respond towards insulin.
The result is better stabilized blood sugar levels.
Research study carried out by adding 6 gm of cinnamon in 300 gm rice was proved to reduce the spike in blood sugar level drastically.
Whole Grains: Grains are the best source of dietary fiber, particularly insoluble fiber.
Barley, oats or the combinations of both are helpful for the diabetic patients.
Researches have revealed that whole grains increase sensitivity towards insulin thus reducing the risk of diabetes type 2.
Chili Pepper: Researchers of Australia have proved that if chili pepper is the part of the meal then quantity of insulin required for the metabolism of glucose decreases considerably.
This enables the diabetics to stay away from the risk of increased level of blood insulin termed "hyperinsulinemia"; it is a disorder that is closely linked with type 2 diabetes.
Legumes: Legumes are jam-packed with good combination of fiber, nutrients and proteins.
These essential ingredients have a deeper effect on regulating blood sugar level.
The variety of different legumes like chickpeas, red beans, pinto beans, green beans, soybeans and white beans should be made an integral part of the diabetic meals.

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