Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Preventing Hemorrhoids - 10 Tips to Help You Avoid Getting Hemorrhoids

Even though hemorrhoids affects millions worldwide but in most cases, it is one affliction that can be easily avoided.
What you need to have is a basic understanding about what causes hemorrhoids and the things that you can do to avoid it.
If, unfortunately, you already have hemorrhoids, following these tips can help you speed up the healing process and prevent hemorrhoids from occurring in the future.
Hemorrhoids(also called hemroids or piles) begins when the rectal veins swell and grow larger, causing the muscles around it to weaken and hang like sacs out of the walls of your anus.
The main causes of hemorrhoids is either overstraining or excessive pressure to the rectal arteries and veins.
These are ten tips that will help you avoid getting hemorrhoids: 1) Eat lots of fiber.
Overstraining in the toilet is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids for most people throughout the world.
People will over strain because of hard stool and constipation.
By eating enough fiber, your stool will be softer and much easier to discharge.
2) Take a supplement to soften your stool.
If you are prone to having hard stool regardless of how much fiber you consume, a good idea is to take a supplement to soften your stool.
One excellent supplement for stool softening is the Ensa, a natural supplement in the Zenmed Hemorrhoids Treatment.
The Ensa has a unique blend of herbs that will effectively relieve constipation and soften the stool.
It comes in capsule form, so it's easy to consume.
3) Watch your diet.
Constipation is mainly caused by eating processed food and food that are high in fat.
These include cheese, chips, ice cream, and other processed foods.
4) Watch your weight.
People who are overweight are very easily prone to getting hemorrhoids.
This is because of the excess fat in their body which places excessive pressure on their veins, especially the rectal veins.
Obese people who sit too long will also place the entire weight of their body on their buttock, further increasing the pressure on their rectal veins.
5) Don't sit too long.
Sitting too long places excessive pressure on your bottom for an extended period of time, which will cause your rectal veins to enlarge.
If you do need to sit a lot because you work at a desk, get up and take a walk after every hour or so of sitting.
6) Don't stand too long.
Gravity does pull your blood down to the lower regions of your body as you stand.
Standing too long causes the blood pressure in your lower regions, including your rectal veins, to increase and enlarge.
7) Don't lift heavy objects.
Lifting heavy objects causes you to strain, in the exact same motion as straining in the toilet.
8) Don't sit on the toilet bowl for too long.
Most people have the habit of reading the newspaper when doing their private business.
Sitting for too long in the toilet is worst than sitting too long at a desk, because not only are you placing excessive pressure to the veins by sitting, you are also straining to pass motion, adding on to the pressure.
9) Drink lots of water.
Dehydration causes the body to reabsorb moisture from your waste while it is in the rectum, causing your stool to harden even more.
Drinking lots of water helps soften your stool.
10) Go as soon as you need to.
If you need to go to the toilet, go as soon as you can.
The longer you delay nature's call, the longer you are giving time to your body to reabsorb the moisture from your stool and cause it to harden.
Preventing hemorrhoids from occurring is not as difficult as curing it.
All it needs is a little adjustment to your diet, lifestyle and toilet habits.
Practice these tips and you are likely never to have the displeasure of getting one of man's most painful afflictions.

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