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The Escalator of Life

Living a Spiritual life is a lot like riding an escalator, a really long escalator.
At the bottom of the escalator is where we start life; at the top, the Kingdom of Heaven.
For the most part, everyone's goal is to reach the top.
To some people, they just think that means the place where they will be successful and happy, for others, it means eternal salvation and deliverance from sin.
Now although everyone's aim is to get to the top of the escalator, not everyone does for one simple reason.
The escalator they are trying to climb is going down, the wrong way.
But people try to go up the down escalator all the time and usually make it right? Well in the earthly sense, that may be true, but in the spiritual sense this just doesn't happen.
This is a really long escalator, remember? People try constantly to make it up though.
They attempt to build themselves up by doing good deeds, being a nice person, helping old ladies across the street, but that just isn't enough.
Sure they may get up a few steps higher to the goal, but eventually they will get tired and fall.
And when you fall on an escalator, you don't just lay there like you would on regular steps, you get pulled back down to where you started.
No matter how hard you try, or how far you seem to get in life, you will eventually tire out and will never reach the top.
So how do you get to the top? Simple.
You ask God to take control of your life and turn on the up switch.
When you do that, your chances of reaching the top are guaranteed.
You may fall or stumble along the way, but you will still eventually get there to reap the rewards of the journey.
As you live your life, the higher up the escalator you are, the closer you are to God and His glory over your life.
So when you become a Christian and ask God to turn the up switch on, you really have two options you can take.
These options are the passive option which doesn't benefit much from God's glory, or the eager and aggressive option.
The passive option basically means that you just ride the escalator at the speed it was set at.
You don't rush ahead, you don't do anything special to climb the path any faster.
You just kind of let life happen.
But as anyone who has ever just stood in one place knows, eventually you get tired and may fall from lack of energy.
This usually ends up meaning your life hardly reaps the rewards of God's Glory while on earth because your position on the escalator remains in a slow and steady path upwards, or your fall may take you down a few steps and you remain in about the same place you began.
On the flip side, the Christians who decided to aggressively pursue Christ are the ones who climb higher up the steps.
They skip steps, run, and do everything in their power to be closer to God.
Sure they may also tire and fall, but they still end up at a higher position than they were if they were to just remain passive.
The closer you are to God, the more He helps you when you stumble and fall.
Both options would still lead to heaven, but one will reap more of Gods rewards than the other.
So what do you want to do? Actively pursue God's glory and praise, or sit back in laziness.
And if you are actively pursuing, which way is your escalator going? Pray to God to ask him to flip the up switch if you are currently going the wrong way.
The reward will be great.
Romans 3:22-23 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.
There is no difference, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

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