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How to Remove Scratches From a Black Painted Table

    • 1). Create a solution of pH-neutral dish soap and warm water. Dip a sponge in the solution and wipe down the table to remove all dust and grime.

    • 2). Clean out any frays from the insides of cracks with the blade tip of craft knife. Blow or brush away the removed bits from the table.

    • 3). Push wood filler into the cracks with a rubber grout spreader, leveling the filler off at the surface of the table by holding the grout spreader at an angle and lightly pulling it across the surface.

    • 4). Gently wipe the table with a damp sponge while the wood filler remains wet to further smooth the filler at the surface.

    • 5). Leave the filler to cure, as instructed in the manufacturer’s directions. Add a second application of wood filler to the scratches if, after drying, the first application shrunk.

    • 6). Apply a light coat of matching black paint over the wood filler using a small, round artist’s paintbrush. Allow the first coat to dry then apply a second coat to fully conceal the wood filler.

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