Home & Garden Architecture

How to Repair an Andersen Window Screen

    • 1). Remove the damaged screen from your Andersen screen window. Use a flathead screwdriver to remove the spline that holds the old screen in place. Lift out the old screen.

    • 2). Place the new screen material overtop of the Andersen screen frame. Use the shears to cut the screen to the dimensions of the metal frame; cutting it 1 inch wider and longer on all sides.

    • 3). Press the spline into the channel of the Andersen screen window frame, inserting it all the way around the frame.

    • 4). Roll the spline wheel over the spline to push it firmly into the channel so the screen is pulled taught over the frame. Pull on the ends of the screen as you roll the spline to remove any wrinkles in the screen.

    • 5). Roll the concave side of the spline roller over the spline to force it in the channel.

    • 6). Cut away excess screen on the outside edge of the spline using the utility knife. Also slice off the corners of the screen using the shears.

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