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Some Tips On Golf Etiquette

We all know golf is a gentleman's game. At least most of us who have been around the game for any time know this. Problem is, a lot of Sunday warriors don't give much thought to this and don't even follow the simplest of golf etiquette practices.

This first rule, and its a big one, don't talk while someone is playing a stroke. Give the players your time and silence while they are analyzing their situation, making their practice swings, and actually making their swing at the ball. Don't stand near them or move around, when its their turn, especially when you're on the greens. Stay out of their peripheral vision while they are putting. Don't stand near the hole or walk between your partner's ball and the hole. And never, ever step on the imaginary line between your partner's ball and the hole. Be mindful of your shadow being in someone's line of a putt with best golf clubs. Always be aware of other players and their golf balls.

Some players might not mind you talking while they select their club for the shot, but not everyone will be so easygoing. The best thing to do is stand still and be quiet because if you continue to do something wrong, you will be told about it from some players. Next, be ready to play when its your turn, such as, when your ball lies the farthest from the hole. Try to make your decisions while waiting for someone else to play and when its your turn to hit, do so without delay. Don't rush, stay with your routine and when your ready, pull the trigger. The first shot on a given tee goes to the player with the lowest score from the previous hole. If the hole was tied, the player with the lowest score on the hole before that will be up.

From the very beginning, it is always good to check, before swinging, to see if the members of your party are out of swinging distance. The ordinary swing of a golf club can be a deadly blow. Therefore, rules of etiquette are often rules of safety. Everyone in the group should be standing to one side or sitting on the benches, provided by most courses, awaiting their turns to hit with taylormade rocketballz sale, and there should be no talking on the tee or at any time when an associate is preparing to make his shot. All clubs, bags, carts and other essentials of the game should be left off the teeing ground.

Golf is a game of peace and quiet. Sure, it's okay to launch and have some fun while you're out on the course, but be cognizant of the fact that someone on the fairway or green right next to you might be about to swing or putt with taylor made r11 irons - and a sudden loud outburst of laughter or frustration could cause them to miss a shot.

One last rule of etiquette - rake the bunkers! It's bad enough that you land in a sand trap, but when you get there and see there are footprints and holes where the last guy tried to hit the ball out, and your ball just happens t be sitting in one, you won't be too happy. There are full books on the etiquette of golf, so educate yourself before you go for your first round!

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