Success Principles: "The Will To Win Attitude!"
Success principles are basic essentials that we all should strive to develop in order to live life to the fullest. However, many of us go through life with one foot on the brake and one on the gas... it's as if the 'will to win' attitude is no longer present.
Many times throughout my years I've seen individuals who were exceptional students in school or college. Individuals who at one time looked as if they were on their way to a long, prosperous and successful life...
But then, somewhere along the way they ended up being just an ordinary person. They end up holding down an ordinary job, just comfortable living a mediocre lifestyle. It's as if they had given up their fight for winning.
On the other hand, I've seen individuals who were at the bottom of their class in school. Individuals who were looked at as losers, who were told many times that they would not amount to anything worthwhile...
I've seen these individuals rise above their limitations to excel and become top achievers in their chosen field.
Now what happened here?
There are many reasons to explain all of this; however, it should be clear to all... that the abilities you were born with... does not necessarily have anything to do with your achievements in life.
The basis of this article is to address one specific area of our lives, that if channeled correctly could bring about massive success in every aspect of our lives.
Your Success Energizer!
Research has shown that our Intellectual Intelligence or IQ is pretty much set at birth. No matter how much we study or try to improve our IQ, we can only raise it by a small margin.
Studies have also shown that our IQ is responsible for just 20% of our success in life, while Emotional Intelligence or EQ accounts for the remaining 80% of that success. Our daily activities are basically centered around our EQ. Success at sales, management, marriage, family life, politics or business all depend on high EQ.
Now, the beauty about this is that we have 100% control over our EQ. We can work on our EQ to improve it to whatever level we would like it to be. Unfortunately, some of us just settle for the ordinary. Never try to get out of our comfort zone... always settling for a life of mediocrity.
This Does Not Have To Be!
Many years ago I came across three statements that I've found to be the basic foundation of our success in life, which I will share with you here in a moment... But before I do, I am challenging you to take stock of your situation, right now! Analyze where you are... and visualize where you want to be. Make sure that picture is very clear in your mind.
Study these three statements,... make them become a part of your daily life... and watch what happens.
=>1. Be aware that you were created for a great destiny in life... and you can fulfill it... with the help of your higher mind. Find the "WHY" and the "HOW" will appear.
=>2. Start today to think, talk, look and act important, so that you will release to the world an image of value and greatness. When your confidence level is elevated... you can accomplish anything.
=>3. Search within every given day to find your hidden potentials and creative gifts... which you can release to the world.
Becoming successful in life requires some commitment to the process. We all have the ability to grow and achieve our best, not because of who we are or where we were born, but because we made a choice.
Developing success principles and a 'will to win' attitude, will help us to overcome and become the person that we have always dreamed of becoming.
Many times throughout my years I've seen individuals who were exceptional students in school or college. Individuals who at one time looked as if they were on their way to a long, prosperous and successful life...
But then, somewhere along the way they ended up being just an ordinary person. They end up holding down an ordinary job, just comfortable living a mediocre lifestyle. It's as if they had given up their fight for winning.
On the other hand, I've seen individuals who were at the bottom of their class in school. Individuals who were looked at as losers, who were told many times that they would not amount to anything worthwhile...
I've seen these individuals rise above their limitations to excel and become top achievers in their chosen field.
Now what happened here?
There are many reasons to explain all of this; however, it should be clear to all... that the abilities you were born with... does not necessarily have anything to do with your achievements in life.
The basis of this article is to address one specific area of our lives, that if channeled correctly could bring about massive success in every aspect of our lives.
Your Success Energizer!
Research has shown that our Intellectual Intelligence or IQ is pretty much set at birth. No matter how much we study or try to improve our IQ, we can only raise it by a small margin.
Studies have also shown that our IQ is responsible for just 20% of our success in life, while Emotional Intelligence or EQ accounts for the remaining 80% of that success. Our daily activities are basically centered around our EQ. Success at sales, management, marriage, family life, politics or business all depend on high EQ.
Now, the beauty about this is that we have 100% control over our EQ. We can work on our EQ to improve it to whatever level we would like it to be. Unfortunately, some of us just settle for the ordinary. Never try to get out of our comfort zone... always settling for a life of mediocrity.
This Does Not Have To Be!
Many years ago I came across three statements that I've found to be the basic foundation of our success in life, which I will share with you here in a moment... But before I do, I am challenging you to take stock of your situation, right now! Analyze where you are... and visualize where you want to be. Make sure that picture is very clear in your mind.
Study these three statements,... make them become a part of your daily life... and watch what happens.
=>1. Be aware that you were created for a great destiny in life... and you can fulfill it... with the help of your higher mind. Find the "WHY" and the "HOW" will appear.
=>2. Start today to think, talk, look and act important, so that you will release to the world an image of value and greatness. When your confidence level is elevated... you can accomplish anything.
=>3. Search within every given day to find your hidden potentials and creative gifts... which you can release to the world.
Becoming successful in life requires some commitment to the process. We all have the ability to grow and achieve our best, not because of who we are or where we were born, but because we made a choice.
Developing success principles and a 'will to win' attitude, will help us to overcome and become the person that we have always dreamed of becoming.