Tips During a Child Custody Battle
Child custody battles turn nasty quite often.
The divorce may be uncontested save for issues related to the children i.
child custody, visitation rights, child support, etc.
Winning child custody is a priority for many parents, which is why many divorce cases that go to trial make it that far.
Coming out the winner of child custody battles is never guaranteed, but a good attorney and a good understanding of what the court looks for when awarding custody to one parent is often helpful in improving your chances of winning.
There are some cases in which the custody will be split with both parents spending an equal amount of time with the child.
Others will be tipped in favor of one parent, while sole physical custody is awarded in other situations.
Legal custody, meaning which parent makes decisions regarding the child's education, healthcare, religion, etc.
, may be joint or sole depending on the circumstances.
Some situations involve sole physical custody with the non-custodial parent granted visitation rights, along with joint legal custody.
Other cases will see sole physical and legal custody granted, and others will see joint physical and legal custody granted.
Keep your cool in the court room.
Dress appropriately and follow the proper court room etiquette.
This may not win you the case hands down, but making a good impression may be helpful.
The court is going to act on the best interests of the child and showing that you're a good parent will be one of the keys to winning the custody battle.
Come prepared with all of the proper documents necessary for the case including phone call logs that show the continuous contact between them and their child.
Also keep a log of visitation schedules, and proof that you paid child support, if applicable.
In determining the best interests of the child, the court may consider the age of the child, the relationship between each parent and the child (who was the primary caregiver), the physical and mental health of the parents (and the child), the environment each parent is able to provide for the child, the ability of each parent to provide for the child's physical, emotional and medical needs, etc.
The issues at play may differ from one case to the next, so speaking with a good attorney is one of the best things a parent can do to get ready for the case.
The divorce may be uncontested save for issues related to the children i.
child custody, visitation rights, child support, etc.
Winning child custody is a priority for many parents, which is why many divorce cases that go to trial make it that far.
Coming out the winner of child custody battles is never guaranteed, but a good attorney and a good understanding of what the court looks for when awarding custody to one parent is often helpful in improving your chances of winning.
There are some cases in which the custody will be split with both parents spending an equal amount of time with the child.
Others will be tipped in favor of one parent, while sole physical custody is awarded in other situations.
Legal custody, meaning which parent makes decisions regarding the child's education, healthcare, religion, etc.
, may be joint or sole depending on the circumstances.
Some situations involve sole physical custody with the non-custodial parent granted visitation rights, along with joint legal custody.
Other cases will see sole physical and legal custody granted, and others will see joint physical and legal custody granted.
Keep your cool in the court room.
Dress appropriately and follow the proper court room etiquette.
This may not win you the case hands down, but making a good impression may be helpful.
The court is going to act on the best interests of the child and showing that you're a good parent will be one of the keys to winning the custody battle.
Come prepared with all of the proper documents necessary for the case including phone call logs that show the continuous contact between them and their child.
Also keep a log of visitation schedules, and proof that you paid child support, if applicable.
In determining the best interests of the child, the court may consider the age of the child, the relationship between each parent and the child (who was the primary caregiver), the physical and mental health of the parents (and the child), the environment each parent is able to provide for the child, the ability of each parent to provide for the child's physical, emotional and medical needs, etc.
The issues at play may differ from one case to the next, so speaking with a good attorney is one of the best things a parent can do to get ready for the case.