Health & Medical Mental Health

Daily Dharma

A daily practice can pave the way to encourage you to stay directed on your journey to shift and transform.
In order to depersonalize the daily stress, negative emotions, and thoughts that we encounter daily we need to have a regular routine that keeps us balanced in body, mind and spirit.
Various cultures approach this dilemma in many different ways using a daily centering practice called Dharma.
This term refers to a form of self discipline ranging from prayer to yoga to gardening, whatever regular practice assists with feeling balanced and connected to the whole, spirit, God, universe.
Some believe that maintaining the continuity through the ages by duplicating practices developed over millennia will assist you in benefiting from ancient wisdom.
Whether it is chanting 'om' to connect with the essence of the universe or partaking in the ritual of the Eucharist to transmit the spirit of Christ to the participant, there is certainly a touch of majesty and comfort in these formal traditions.
It is also practical in the sense that there are established communities which practice these formal traditions that give you support and access.
In all cultures, the importance of a meditative practice is emphasized, whether that be prayerful meditation, a walking meditation, breathwork, Reiki or other forms of self healing, chi gong, tai chi, drumming, toning sacred mantras, or meaningful body movement which is both connecting and grounding.
The key elements for a grounding and connecting daily dharma are: Intention and Mindfulness - To stay fully present in the moment and place our awareness on all the potential choices we can make, while recognizing the possibilities we have in our daily life to transform and shift.
Then making the choice to do so.
The word 'practice' can refer to integrating our mind, body and spirit into everything we do to allow for transformation; it can also mean to be goal oriented and be a means to an end.
The intention of a daily Dharma is to get in touch with our inner resources and experiences to promote change, evolve and reshape both our self and our outer world.
Through a practice we can break old habits and allow ourselves to cultivate new insights and ways of perceiving and creating in the world.
Intuition is another key element to a practice of Dharma.
We need to access our intuition to know whether what we are practicing is right for us at any given moment.
When our practice becomes just a mindless habit and is not assisting us in learning about ourselves or developing new insights, it's time for something different.
A daily dharma can help you stay mindful, live more fully in the present, feel a deeper sense of joy and love, put your ego in perspective, make you aware of your true gifts and abilities, teach you how to get out of your own way and live in the joyful mystery of this grand universe.

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